Apex Legends lag since season 21 update split 2

by N1xxxe_TTV

Original Post

Accepted Solution

Apex Legends lag since season 21 update split 2

★★ Novice

In game menu and playing the game i have FPS drops randomly to the bottom followed with lag & stuttering


I've looked for several solutions and nothing.
I saw that there were several people with the same problem as me however I didn't see any solution what could it be?


My specs are:

System: Windows 11
CPU: Ryzen 5 3600x
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 3070 8Gb
RAM: 3600 Mhz 16 GB(2x8) 
SSD1: 256 GB (Windows)
SDD2: 1 TB (Apex is installed)



Message 1 of 3 (601 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Apex Legends lag since season 21 update split 2

[ Edited ]
★★★ Apprentice

Have you installed the latest Nvidia Driver?

Clear your cache:

  1. Open Nvidia Control Panel go to 3D settings and disable the shadercache and set the size to none, apply.
  2. Now press your Windows key + r and type in: %LocalAppData%
  3. Search for the Nvidia folder and delete the folder GLCache inside
  4. Navigate back to AppData, open LocalLow, Nvidia and delete the PerDriverVersion Folder
  5. Navigate back to AppData again, open Roaming, Nvidia and delete the ComputeCache Folder
  6. Press Windows + r and type in: cleanmgr, select the DirectX shadercache (and everything else if you like so) and go ahead
  7. Now turn on the shadercache and set the size in Nvidia Control Panel
  8. Optional: Press Windows + r type in: Temp, delete everything in there (strg+a, entf)
  9. Reboot your PC. Start Apex Legends.

Screenshot 2024-07-29 184948 - Kopie.png

The shaders should now be recompiled when starting Apex Legends and the issue should be gone.

View in thread

Message 2 of 3 (518 Views)

All Replies

Re: Apex Legends lag since season 21 update split 2

[ Edited ]
★★★ Apprentice

Have you installed the latest Nvidia Driver?

Clear your cache:

  1. Open Nvidia Control Panel go to 3D settings and disable the shadercache and set the size to none, apply.
  2. Now press your Windows key + r and type in: %LocalAppData%
  3. Search for the Nvidia folder and delete the folder GLCache inside
  4. Navigate back to AppData, open LocalLow, Nvidia and delete the PerDriverVersion Folder
  5. Navigate back to AppData again, open Roaming, Nvidia and delete the ComputeCache Folder
  6. Press Windows + r and type in: cleanmgr, select the DirectX shadercache (and everything else if you like so) and go ahead
  7. Now turn on the shadercache and set the size in Nvidia Control Panel
  8. Optional: Press Windows + r type in: Temp, delete everything in there (strg+a, entf)
  9. Reboot your PC. Start Apex Legends.

Screenshot 2024-07-29 184948 - Kopie.png

The shaders should now be recompiled when starting Apex Legends and the issue should be gone.

Message 2 of 3 (519 Views)

Re: Apex Legends lag since season 21 update split 2

★★ Novice
thank you the problem has been resolved
Message 3 of 3 (492 Views)