Apex Legends account, cross-progression question

by Wadesek

Original Post

Apex Legends account, cross-progression question

★★★ Novice

Hello guys!

Before i start my question, i want to excuse for my english. I'm from Czech Republic, so it will not be too good.



So... when i firstly descovered that there will be cross progression in season 19, i've got so hyped up, that i unlinked my PS4 account from my old account, and link it to my new account that i play on pc, and when i started my Apex on my PS4, everything was loading and in games, i didn't have my skins. I read that there will be some issues when i do it, but that was after i did it. So i want to ask, when i get permission to cross progression, will i get my skins back? Or am I stupid and i lost my whole Apex Legends account because of my stupidity?

Thanks to everyone who will react to my question and replies.

Message 1 of 2 (262 Views)

Re: Apex Legends account, cross-progression question


Hey @Wadesek 


Progress is stored on the EA account and not the platform accounts (e.g. Steam, Xbox, PSN)

Hence why relinking your platform account to another EA account didn't bring over the data.

You'll need to relink your platform account back to the EA account it was originally connected to if you want to get your progress back.



Message 2 of 2 (204 Views)