Apex Legends Linking Account Glitch

by 987665453

Original Post

Apex Legends Linking Account Glitch

★★ Newbie

I tried to link my apex legends steam progress (level 4 with a few skins) to my Xbox progress (level 280 with many purchases!). I can see all of my achievements from my original account when I go to my Xbox account / gaming, however the game play is on the level 4 account. Anyone else have this issue before? Chatting with an advisor they said it sounded like a bug. 

Message 1 of 2 (190 Views)

Re: Apex Legends Linking Account Glitch

★★★ Newbie

I had had experience this before.


But looking on the side for both Apex xprog and unlinking atticle, got found out that we either will

A. Lose items when we unlink

B. We cant merge acc anymore for apex Frown

Message 2 of 2 (169 Views)