Anyone getting the same random stutter ingame?W/ frametime graph (3080)

by wiseolddude

Original Post

Re: Anyone getting the same random stutter ingame?W/ frametime graph (3080)

Champion (Retired)

Have you tried running in Dx12 mode? some users report less stutters with this mode.


The command "+gfx_nvnUseLowLatency 0" disables Nvidia low latency mode which you can disable in the Nvidia control panel without a command.

You should enable Nvidia reflex + boost ingame for the lower latency.


Now, there are many ways to overcome stutters in game its just a question of what is the cause.

I will DM you to discuss this further as im not allowed to suggest 3rd party software on the forums. (If I remember correctly)



Message 141 of 149 (851 Views)

Re: Anyone getting the same random stutter ingame?W/ frametime graph (3080)

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

my opinion on this game is....., ihave over 2500 hours and i do not recommend this game to anyone , it is so frustrating because several reasons(stutter,cheaters,the * delay,dying through doors,packet loss,prediction errors everytime,sometimes it freezes for 1 sec and more)

Developer focus  on skins,heirlooms,lame events (in one word = for money)  they don t give a * about performance, this game is no 1 at delay, crap servers since season one.

If they have had servers like overwatch 2,cod,csgo ,fornite this would have been the greatest BR of all time!

and for these reasons im slowly quitting . 

Message 142 of 149 (812 Views)

Re: Anyone getting the same random stutter ingame?W/ frametime graph (3080)

★ Apprentice

I get stutters on olympus only.

Message 143 of 149 (796 Views)

Re: Anyone getting the same random stutter ingame?W/ frametime graph (3080)

Champion (Retired)

Ahh I see.
Take note of the locations with visual indications and map.


Report this in the Bug Reports section.


The more players who report the better we can narrow this down for the Dev's

Message 144 of 149 (788 Views)

Re: Anyone getting the same random stutter ingame?W/ frametime graph (3080)

Champion (Retired)

I found some examples and refrenced your issue to.

You can check it out here:


Message 145 of 149 (747 Views)

Re: Anyone getting the same random stutter ingame?W/ frametime graph (3080)

★ Apprentice

The thing is, its happening to everyone. Some people are just clueless about the performance. 

I measure my 0.1% lows and olympus is 10000% broken, interacting with bins, messing with inventory, some gunfights, blured minimap and UI. Something everything just freezes.

And I've been asking every teammate i've had, they all reported the same problems.


On other maps I can maintain +220fps 0.1% lows. No drops, no stutters, butter smoth experience and gameplay.

On olympus my 0.1% lows are 30FPS. Stutters, hitching, straight up freezes, inconsistent frametimes.


 I've noticed it on every stream i've watched of olympus, again, some people just dont notice it or think its their pc.


Even pros already noticed it (see my reply)


Apex Legends Stuttering - Answer HQ (



Olympus is broken.





Message 146 of 149 (723 Views)

Re: Anyone getting the same random stutter ingame?W/ frametime graph (3080)

★ Guide
@wsync "butter smoth experience and gameplay."
Bro, u are not fooling anyone....that does not exist in apex legends and never will...its limited by it old engine and 20hz servers ur a r talking *!
Message 147 of 149 (651 Views)

Re: Anyone getting the same random stutter ingame?W/ frametime graph (3080)

★★★ Newbie

For me HAGS was the issue. I caused consistent frame-time spikes from 4ms to around 20ms roughly every 8 seconds. I disabled it and restarted. Lo and behold no more frame-time issues.

Message 148 of 149 (510 Views)

Re: Anyone getting the same random stutter ingame?W/ frametime graph (3080)

★★★ Newbie

When i startuo the game its fine. Get into the main lobby and my cursor is laggy. The game is no longer as smooth as it was even on 240 fps very stuttery. Which makes it unplayable. Having the same spike issues.... ughhh 3060ti ko oc ryzen 7 5800x 32gb ram 750w psu... ughhh it didnt happen until after the dressed to kill event update

Message 149 of 149 (490 Views)