Account permanently banned for no reason

by 4li3scds3jfy

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Account permanently banned for no reason

★★★ Newbie

So my account like 8 months ago was permanent banned for violating a sales agreement policies (I don't know which one because they insist on not specifying, probably because they don't know what they are talking about) 


Recently I wanted to play Titanfall 2 on xbox pc gamepass, but I can't play multiplayer because of the ban, I tried to appeal it, 2 days later got email saying that it won't be removed.


I know EA is completely terrible at everything it does, but at least give me an explanation for the ban and making waste money for an xbox gamepass membership 

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Re: Account permanently banned for no reason

Community Manager

Hey @4li3scds3jfy,


Unfortunately we can't help with bans here on the foums. You can always try reaching out to our terms of service team again if you're not happy with the result of your dispute, and they'll look into it for you again.


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Re: Account permanently banned for no reason

Community Manager

Hey @4li3scds3jfy,


Unfortunately we can't help with bans here on the foums. You can always try reaching out to our terms of service team again if you're not happy with the result of your dispute, and they'll look into it for you again.


Wees aardig voor elkaar | Be kind to each other
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