"Serious error" when loading Sims 3 save

by sexualkfc

Original Post

Cannot access previous saved game data on Sims 3

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

I just downloaded Sims 3, and when I open the game, my previous save does not show up and it prompts me to start a new game as if there is no data there. When I try to start a new game, it gives the error message that "A serious error has occurred while loading 'Bridgeport.world'. It is strongly recommended that you restart the application." I have checked to make sure that all of the expansions and stuff are checked when I open the game, and I am able to locate my save file and backup file on my File Explorer for my previous save in The Sims. What is going wrong with this and is there any way of getting back my previous game data??

Message 21 of 30 (302 Views)

Re: Cannot access previous saved game data on Sims 3

@mxpringle57  I've merged your post with a longer thread about this error.  If OneDrive is running on this computer, please see post 12.  Otherwise, let me know what antivirus you use.


For your missing save, this guide may help:




It's written for Sims 4 but mostly applies equally well to Sims 3.  The major difference is that when searching for saves, look for the name of your save, not Slot_ etc.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 22 of 30 (269 Views)

sims 3 seroius issue

★★★★★ Newbie

i bought the sims 3 yesterday it worked for awhile and now when i try to play it i get a serious error has occured while loading i tried restsrting the app unistaslled the game reinstalled it and still doing the same thing

Message 23 of 30 (274 Views)

Re: sims 3 not launching

★★★ Novice

I downloaded and installed the directX 9 and I still can't play the Sims 3.  It says there's a serious error has occurred and to restart game... which I've done many times already.  I also restarted my PC after installing the directX9.


Thank you in advance, 


Message 24 of 30 (254 Views)

Re: sims 3 seroius issue

[ Edited ]

@carterbreese1 and @alibuff  If OneDrive is running on your computer, whether you use it or not, please try the suggestion in post 12.  If that doesn't help, or OneDrive isn't present, please let me know what antivirus you use.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 25 of 30 (244 Views)

Sims 3 in-game error message

★★★ Newbie

Dear EA!


I start the game with the sims 3 launcher, it loads the game, then when I want to select the world, it gives me this error message: "A serious error occurred while loading Sunset Valley.world. It is strongly recommended that you restart the application. "


I played with it yesterday, no problem at all. Reinstalled the ea app and the sims, no change. I reset the settings in the game to default. No yet.

Within the same application, I had previously installed sims 4, which had no problems at all.


I would like to ask for help



Message 26 of 30 (220 Views)

Re: Sims 3 in-game error message

@0g0l9ix3j32r  I've merged your post with a longer thread for this issue.  Please provide the info requested in post 12.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 27 of 30 (194 Views)

Re: sims 3 seroius issue

★★★ Novice

Thanks so much!

Message 28 of 30 (150 Views)

Just bought game and wont let me continue playing?

★★★ Newbie

So i just bought the sims 3 yesterday and downloaded it. i created my characters, bought my house, customized it then saved it. logged off and came back later that night to play again and it shows the name i saved it under but it shows a silhouette of people just not my people? then when i click on them to play it keeps saying there was an error loading my whatever the land was called... i don't have any mods or nothing just downloaded the game and played and that was it...

Message 29 of 30 (55 Views)

Re: Just bought game and wont let me continue playing?

@erinbear  I've merged your post with the master thread for the "serious error" when loading a world. Please see post 12 of this thread, and let me know the results of the reg query command there.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 30 of 30 (27 Views)