Sims 3 won't open: Alder Lake (Intel 12th-gen) CPU

by Fuchie

Original Post

Sims 3 Won't Launch (no error message)

★★ Novice

Hi! I have an issue where when I click to launch the Sims 3 through the EA App, then I click ts3 launcher's play button, it takes me back to the EA App Frown


A video of it is linked below:


I've reinstalled ts3 and tried repairing it but nothing works. This issue is also similar with Sims Medieval. 

Message 971 of 1,520 (639 Views)

Re: Sims 3 Won't Launch (no error message)

@Sims3Geeeek  It sounds like you probably have this issue:


Sims 3 doesn't start correctly on most 12th- and 13th-gen Intel processors, and neither does Medieval.  The workaround is to limit the game to one CPU core as it starts to load.  The accepted solution of the above thread lists three workarounds for Sims 3.  Lazy Duchess made a similar patch for Medieval, and the Task Manager method works equally well when applied to TSM.exe.  For the PowerShell method, you can replace


Get-Process TS3, TS3W



Get-Process TSM 

If you don't have an affected processor, or you're not sure whether you do, please run a dxdiag and attach it to a post.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 972 of 1,520 (601 Views)

Sims 3 Will Not Launch Windows 11

★★ Novice

I just got a new gaming pc (custom build) and downloaded all of my Sims 3. However, it will not launch into the game. It will load the first thing (where you manage the expansion packs, downloads, etc.), but as soon as I hit the play button, it crashes back to the EA app. 


I have attached my DxDiag.

Message 973 of 1,520 (873 Views)

Re: Sims 3 Won't Launch (no error message)

★★ Novice

Oh I see! I have tried this method but I must have messed up the first time because it worked now. Thank you!

Message 974 of 1,520 (861 Views)

Re: Sims 3 Will Not Launch Windows 11

@yoshiqueshana  I've merged your post with the master thread for this issue, which is that Sims 3 doesn't start correctly on most 12th-gen Intel processors.  The workaround is to limit the game to one CPU core as it starts to load.  Please see the accepted solution on page one for various approaches.


Apply the workaround of your choice to TS3.exe, without the W, since you've installed the game through the EA App.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 975 of 1,520 (858 Views)

Re: Sims 3 Will Not Launch Windows 11

★★★ Newbie

Hi I'm trying the task manager method since the alder lake patch did not work...but I cannot seem to locate the thesims3.exe on the Task manager details..why is that?

Message 976 of 1,520 (835 Views)

Re: Sims 3 Will Not Launch Windows 11

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice


You may have to search for Sims on the Task Manager's Search Bar. That is how I had to locate it. Make sure you also have the Sims 3 game launcher running. 

Message 977 of 1,520 (798 Views)

Sims 3 won't open: Alder Lake (Intel 12th-gen) CPU

★ Novice

I've recently gotten a new computer and I've spent the past day and a half trying to get sims 3 to work on it. I've attempted tons of tips that worked for everyone else, but it refuses to work for me. 


My computer is a 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700H 2.30 GHz

I've already attempted the alder patch and it hasn't done anything to help



Sims 3

Stopped working

‎7/‎24/‎2023 8:53 PM

Report sent

Faulting Application Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\TS3W.exe

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: TS3W.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 52dec247
Fault Module Name: TS3W.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 52dec247
Exception Code: c0000094
Exception Offset: 00213702
OS Version: 10.0.22621.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: a89c
Additional Information 2: a89cbad0343d4637e5843732a061706b
Additional Information 3: b4ab
Additional Information 4: b4ab1300cfa6d05c874f96e1ddd86d1f

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: cc236a4c51da69e4fde333e1694a5eee (2153622090040368878)


Message 978 of 1,520 (768 Views)

new laptop sims 3 launcher in loop with ea launcher

★★★ Newbie

Bought a new computer and downloaded and installed the ea app. Downloaded the sims 3 and had it installed. The computer is a predator acer and it's windows 11. Its an endless loop of  clicking on the ea app, clicking play and then getting sent to the sims 3 launcher, clicking play and being sent to the ea launcher app again. I have run a diag and have attached it to the post to see if anyone can help me. 

Message 979 of 1,520 (770 Views)

Re: Sims 3 won't open: Alder Lake (Intel 12th-gen) CPU

[ Edited ]

@natalietrue  Have you applied the Alder Lake patch to TS3W.exe, with the W?  Your error report shows that's what your game uses; TS3.exe doesn't really do anything in Steam or disc installs.


If that doesn't help, try the Task Manager method, again for TS3W.exe.  There's a link to instructions for it in the accepted solution of this thread.


@justincredden  I've merged your post with the master thread for this issue, which is that Sims 3 doesn't start correctly on most 12th- and 13th-gen Intel processors.  Please see the accepted solution on page one for workarounds.  Apply the method of your choice to TS3.exe, without the W, since you're playing through the EA App.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 980 of 1,520 (762 Views)