Sims 3 Launcher Login Problems

by Hiroko-sama

Original Post

Sims 3 Launcher Login Problems

★★★ Apprentice

I spent at least 4 hours last night arguing with the Launcher and I still lost. I can get into the store and sister pages no problem. I plug in my information and all it does is refresh it, going nowhere. For the Launcher, I've tried:

~ Resetting my password. 
   I used to use special characters like Star. So I thought maybe it just wigs out because of it. -- Nope.
~ Clearing IE and all of my other browsers I use just in case  - Nope.

~ Completely reinstalling Sims 3 and all the packs via EA  App.
   Honestly, that just made it worse. So - Nope.

~ Hard shut down my PC to ensure all temp stuff and programs ended.
    I mainly did this for giggles. But - Nope.

~ Log in through the Store, picked a random download to open the launcher. - Nope.

~ Removed all mods to see if that was the case. - Nope.

~ Starting a new test save and logging in from there.
   Instead of it refreshing like the Launcher, I get an error saying the information is wrong.. This is after I changed my password and cleared everything. - Nope

I have an MSI Stealth 15M that's about 2 years old so I know I'm well above the recommended. I'm also Windows 11. The game itself plays fine. It's just the blasted launcher that won't let me use the stuff I bought (primarily Worlds) that I just dropped $30 on that night. There's got to be something I can do because I know EA won't since they're focused on Sims 4 and their other games.

Message 1 of 4 (145 Views)

Re: Sims 3 Launcher Login Problems

@Hiroko-sama  It's not normally necessary to sign into the launcher in order to install Store content.  Are you being asked to do so?  In that case, is your Store account connected to your EA account?  Have you ever changed the email address associated with this EA account?


As a test, please also try downloading Store content in a new admin Windows account.  Make it local, as in, don't link it to your Microsoft account or any email address.  You'll be able to open the Sims 3 launcher without reinstalling anything.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 2 of 4 (105 Views)

Re: Sims 3 Launcher Login Problems

★★★ Apprentice
@puzzlezaddict It forces me to do so. And they ARE connected since I used to do this since Windows 7 (Windows 11 now). This issue really started since they stopped supporting the store as they put more resources into Sims 4.

I did have a work around. Not exactly what I wanted though. I got my Worlds I bought legit via piracy. I don't condone piracy but sometimes I'm left with little choice. I'm looking for a more permanent and less risky fix.
Message 3 of 4 (96 Views)

Re: Sims 3 Launcher Login Problems

@Hiroko-sama  Did the new admin Windows account work?  I ask because this really isn't normal behavior for the launcher.  It could be an account issue (that didn't surface until recently) or a computer issue or some kind of user setting.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 4 of 4 (84 Views)