Re: Hair Retextures not appearing | TS3

by puzzlezaddict

Original Post

Hair Retextures not appearing | TS3

★ Apprentice

Hello -- I tried to download hair retextures, (ChazzyBazzy), and the defaults are appearing in the game, rather than the retextures. I placed the retextures in both the Overrides and Packages folders, and even went as far as to make a copy of my mods folder without CC, to see if I had any other default replacements causing an issue.


I also double-checked to make sure that I have all of my EPs installed correctly, and that I only had the retextures for the packs I had installed. The retextures were .package files, so I didn't need to unzip them.


Nothing's working -- what do I do?

Message 1 of 2 (533 Views)

Re: Hair Retextures not appearing | TS3

[ Edited ]

@Splotchish  Did you delete the five cache files in your Sims 3 user folder after installing the custom content?  For reference:


  • CASPartCache.package
  • compositorCache.package
  • scriptCache.package
  • simCompositorCache.package
  • socialCache.package

Otherwise, I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but I can test in my own game if you want.  Please send me the link(s) to the retextures via private message, and I'll download them and take a look.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 2 of 2 (509 Views)