Take notice.

by Humdinger504

Original Post

Take notice.

[ Edited ]
★★★ Pro
It's annoying and very frustrating when you spend any amount, but as much money as I and some other people I know building and training your team only to still have teams in season mode play like their team is 100 ovr like yours and when your 100+ speed and acc rb or wr is ran down 5 or 10 from behind from a player that has 10, 15 even 20 less speed and acc than you. Defenders come out of nowhere when their speed doesn't match the ground they cover so quickly. Players with 100+ catch and catch in traffic dropping completely wide open passes. And all this happens when it's NOT a countered play. I need to know why did I spend all this money, time and effort on my team and coaches only to just look better, but it not translate to the field? And it's an issue how no matter how perfect my timing may be in s live event, somehow someway the game will cheat me with a dropped pass, trucking, my defenders not even attempting to go for the ball and the qb breaks more tackles than my rb. During any h2h mode far too often my qb would get hit and miraculously the ball will just end up straight into the numbers of a defender. It's one thing every other blue moon, but it's far too often this type of stuff happens. We talk about it in my league almost everyday so I know it's not just me. Ea either make the players true to the attributes/ratings on their card or stop making them look pretty so you can hike the prices on them. This has been an issue with ea Madden for too long. They're even videos about it. If I say y'all are scamming us then my post will be removed in less than 30 minutes, but when there's a legit issue sometimes it takes days or weeks for a response if there's any. I don't think this is unreasonable for y'all to address these issues. I'm only asking that y'all make the players actually good as the card says and it translates to the field and stop sabotaging our gameplay in favour of the computer albeit whatever the dangerous game mode. And please fix the coaches and don't change them. Just make them work how they were intended to. Thank you for your time.
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