Silent Crashes To Desktop, Error From Event Viewer Attached

by JenningsQB1

Original Post

Silent Crashes To Desktop, Error From Event Viewer Attached

★ Novice

Product: F1 24
Please specify your platform model. PC
Summarize your bug Anyone experiencing this issue??? Attachment is from event viewer. Error causes crashes to desktop from the game at no particular point crashes happening randomly from any point in the game. No reason given just this error in event viewer every time it occurs.
What is your 16 digit Report Code?
What peripherals are you using? Please list the exact make and model. I7-9700k, Geforce RTX 3090Ti, Fanatec Podium DD2
Can you please provide the name of your current internet service provider? BT
Which area is the bug/glitch in? Single Player
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Unsure
What happens when the bug occurs? Game crashes to desktop
What do you expect to see? Game not to crash to desktop

Screenshot from event viewer displaying the error message.

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