Ranked Points


Original Post

Ranked Points

★★★ Newbie

Why can I only earn points on my first ranked race of the week, then doesn't matter position or lobby and it's all declines? Says I have 0 points after two rounds of fastest lap and podium and just keep getting deductions. 

Makes play very average.

F1 24 seems a bit of a waste of money as there seem to be many issues and bugs that don't get fixed.


Is there a way to earn ranked points from racing in ranked? Detailed list of why you get deductions instead of earning?

Message 1 of 2 (97 Views)

Re: Ranked Points

★★★★ Guide
@WAAPSH You lose points for every warning you receive, be that through collision, exceeding track limits or corner cutting. And the more you get, the more it takes. We have never had a detailed list of points deducted and probably never will.
Message 2 of 2 (71 Views)


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