MyTeam Career - Sponsor Sticker deleted and Team Colour changed

by Pati-Eightysix

Original Post

My Team - No sponsor decals on helmets

★★ Guide

Product: F1 24
Platform:PlayStation 5
Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 5
Summarize your bug The sponsor decals are not displayed on the helmets in My Team mode.
What is your 16 digit Report Code? AEKS-SJBD-HSHG-SRKV
What peripherals are you using? Please list the exact make and model.
Can you please provide the name of your current internet service provider? Vodafone
Which area is the bug/glitch in? Single Player
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Apply sponsor decals on the car, and see if they are displayed on the helmet.
What happens when the bug occurs? See above
What do you expect to see? Sponsor decals properly displayed on the helmet like in previous games.

I hope this is a bug and not something you guys removed from the game!

Message 11 of 38 (722 Views)

Re: My Team Career - Team Colour changed and Sponsor Sticker removed

★★★ Newbie

Also can't display trophies in trophy case it shows the trophy I want to display but it is lit up red and when I click to display it nothing happens on my team

Message 12 of 38 (709 Views)

Re: My Team - No sponsor decals on helmets

★★ Guide

To anyone who reads this: please press the "Me Too" button to keep this post alive, so the bug gets fixed! 🙏🙏🙏

Message 13 of 38 (686 Views)

Missing DLC bug, missing sponsorship sticker, team colour reset after restart.

★★★ Newbie

Product: F1 24
Platform:PlayStation 5
Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 5
Summarize your bug When I start a MyTeam Career and when I put sponsorship stickers on my Car Livery after saving my progress and exiting to main menu and closing the game, after restarting the game i get an Error Message saying: One or more customisation items have been unequipped because their corresponding dlc has been removed. And my team colour is reset to black , also the yellow marker at customisation is still there but i have no new stuff to select. And all the sponsorship stickers are removed from my car. EA please fix this issue!!
What is your 16 digit Report Code? PSRDJRGVBSEBDTKA
What peripherals are you using? Please list the exact make and model.
Can you please provide the name of your current internet service provider? Kpn
Which area is the bug/glitch in? Single Player
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Do the same thing as I described !
What happens when the bug occurs? As said above: my team colours reset to black en all the sponsor stickers are being deleted from my car
What do you expect to see? That i dont get the error message everytime and that my colours dont reset, and that my sponsorship sticker remain as i put them there!

Please fix my bug !! It is most disturbing

Message 14 of 38 (757 Views)

Re: Missing DLC bug, missing sponsorship sticker, team colour reset after restar

★★ Guide
@XdBloodDemonbX The devs know about this issue, and they are already working on a fix. It will be included in one of the coming patches.
Message 15 of 38 (729 Views)

Re: Missing DLC bug, missing sponsorship sticker, team colour reset after restar

★★★ Newbie

I am still having the same problem one or more customization items have been removed my sponsor decals are not there after I exit game and go back to play again and team colors on track map go back to black also I am on xbox series x. 

Message 16 of 38 (694 Views)

Re: Missing DLC bug, missing sponsorship sticker, team colour reset after restar

★★★ Newbie
@XdBloodDemonbX I have same problem I am on xbox series x.
Message 17 of 38 (690 Views)

Re: My Team - No sponsor decals on helmets

★★ Guide

@EA_Vendcera Could you please pass this on to the dev team? It's a minor thing I know, but it should be an easy fix. This is the only thing that holds me back from starting a MyTeam career.

Message 18 of 38 (635 Views)

Re: My Team - No sponsor decals on helmets

Community Manager

Hey everyone,

I've moved some additional posts into this thread.

All these reported issues in here are currently being investigated! Unfortunately, I don't have any further updates about it at this point, but we will let you know when we can expect a patch and fix.



Message 19 of 38 (623 Views)

My Team Career Mode sponsor decal deleted, and the team color will be black.

★ Novice

Product: F1 24
Platform:PlayStation 5
Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 5
Summarize your bug My Team Career Mode Sponsor Decal disappears, and the team color becomes black.
What is your 16 digit Report Code? JCSS-MMXC-PGCD-TXKR
What peripherals are you using? Please list the exact make and model. Playstation5 Slim Disk Edition, Trustmaster T300
Can you please provide the name of your current internet service provider? I don't know
Which area is the bug/glitch in? Single Player
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I always get a warning like a screenshot when I start the game.
What happens when the bug occurs? Delete the car decals in my team career mode, and the team color is black always.
What do you expect to see? I'd like to know why this is the case, and please solve it.

It's been almost a month since I bought the game, and I get the bug I described above every time.



One or more customisation items have been unequipped, as their corresponding DLC has been removed.

Message 20 of 38 (618 Views)


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