F1 23 Logitech G923 not working / very low FFB

by Watek_To_Ziomal

Original Post

Re: No Force Feedback Logitech 923 PC

★★ Novice
Should we just give up at this point? If they haven’t manger to fix this issue throughout the lifecycle of the game will they really implement a fix for Logitech wheels?


Message 581 of 583 (590 Views)

Re: F1 23 Logitech G923 not working / very low FFB

★★★ Newbie

Where is the fix? 

Message 582 of 583 (412 Views)

Re: F1 23 Logitech G923 not working / very low FFB

★★★★★ Apprentice
@dreamtdm1279 It never came 😿 I can only hope it works in F1 24 - I won't be buying it on launch, and won't be buying it at all until it's confirmed TrueForce compatible, fully functioning and not being patched-out.
Message 583 of 583 (408 Views)


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