Re: spore keeps crashing when trying to domesticate second animal

by z77fhemqcvh7

Original Post

spore keeps crashing when trying to domesticate second animal

★ Novice

I domesticated one animal in tribal stage and now every time I try to domesticate another one, or make a baby, the game crashes. I've tried repairing the game, uninstalling it and reinstalling it, and restarting my computer. nothing works. please help as I would not like to have to start over.

Message 1 of 3 (883 Views)

Re: spore keeps crashing when trying to domesticate second animal

★★★ Newbie
@Chickenman6027 Same, except it's after I try to domesticate the first creature. I give it food and there's supposed to be a cutscene but the game still crashes right before the cutscene plays, even after I've lowered my graphics and disabled tutorials. I'm getting annoyed as I might just have to go through tribal without domesticating anything.
Message 2 of 3 (572 Views)

Re: spore keeps crashing when trying to domesticate second animal

★★★ Newbie

Update: Welp, the game also crashes when I give gifts to other tribes as well................looks like tribal is unplayable now. Weird thing is I was able to gift another tribe a few days ago.

Message 3 of 3 (551 Views)