Re: Read before posting: Spore MASTER FAQ 2015/2016

by Freggi-Liz

Original Post

Read before posting: Spore MASTER FAQ for PC & MAC

[ Edited ]

Welcome Spore Fans, before you get started a post, take time out and just read the FAQ. Thank You Standard smile






Purchased game through Steam "Spore"
Can't connect to the Spore Server or other login error

Who buys Spore through Steam, it must register afterward in Origin.

Otherwise it is not possible to use the online function. This is one of the many solved post.


Spore - This code has already been used


Connecting Issue

Check your firewall settings


Clear also under windows regularly the temporary file


Connection issues with Origin


Can't Login -> to Spore Servers


Will Spore run on Windows 10

Yes it runs, you just have some things to consider

Starts the game and exe in compatibility mode


  1. Right click on the Spore icon and exe
  2. Properties
  3. Choose compatibility tab
  4. Choose a Windows Version
  5. And set a flag in “Run this program as an administrator”
  6. Say okay

Error Messages:
A required security module cannot be activated. This program cannot be executed (8016)

The problem Windows 10 blocks games with older "Securom" version, here's a guide how to fixed.



Spore Activation Steam

Take a look under “Can I broadcast Steam Games?”


Spore Galactic Adventures won`t start on Origin



If the game freezes and crashes during the loading process!

Deleting of Graphic Cache. They cause this problem if they too large

Go under > PC C/ Username/ AppDate/ Roaming /Spore and delete the graphic Cache.package

Shw hidden files: This setting must be set , so that you can clear the cache in Spore


Expand graphic size in Spore,see here


How do I save my own creations?

PC > Documents/ My Spore Creations

Mac > Documents/ My Spore Creations


Solution for PC


Can't name any creations


Spore creations not showing up


Steam: Problem with using Creepy & Cute and being online at the same time


This post will always hold to up-to-date. Thanks for reading! Standard smile

Ich arbeite nicht bei EA.. Ich gebe Tipps zu Sims auf dem Mac, Die Sims Freispiel zu Mobile……
Message 1 of 3 (144,738 Views)

Re: Read before posting: Spore MASTER FAQ

[ Edited ]

Mac issue


Spore isn't compatible with macOS 10.15 Catalina


Spore on Mac won’t launch or don't appears on mac


Unable to log in from Steam and Origin


Switch to windowed mode in Spore

When playing on Mac, use ⌘ (cmd) key and Enter and switch to windowed mode. Afterwards use the correct screen resolution into the ingame 


Spore on Mac won't launch in Origin - check your settings in Origin (Startup Crash)

It's important that you do some settings in Origin before you start with the game. I added on my private site a guide, which settings are important. Take a look here on my private side for Mac gaming


(Startup Crash) Launch Spore via Cider.exce. Browse to my Website and read the guide 


Next Fix: You must uninstall the game again, if you have already install all patches
After you remove the installation, make sure you install it again, but don't update it. Open it only once that it works. Then close the game again and open again. Make now all the updates


  1. Open Finder, click on "Go" menu and select "Go to Folder.. ~/Library/Preferences/SPORE Preferences/
  2. Make a double click on the file named "config"
  3. Change now from "flobackbuffer" = "0" to "flobackbuffer" = "1"
  4. Close the file and restart your game, afterwards it should work now
  6. With pics 

Disable Origin in the game, often causing the issue

Open Origin
Click on Origin –> Application Settings –> Origin In Game
Remove the tick and Enable Origin In Game


Switch the Backpuffer from 0 to 1, keep an eye here on the pics

Launch the game not in the full screen



In many cases it is very helpful on Mac, if you clear the Ram


  1. Open parallel to these action your Activity Monitor
  2. Go under -> Applications> Utilities> Activity Monitor
  3. Open your Terminal -> Applications> Utilities> Terminal
  4. Type the command purge  ->  then say Enter
  5. Start your game again


If the game freezes and crashes during the loading process or you have other problems with the graphic
How to clear graphic cache on macOs, take a look  -> here we go

They cause this problem if they too large


How do I save my own creations?
Mac > Documents/ My Spore Creations


How to reset Origin on Mac - Origin ResetTOOL


Spore "Exception raised" fix


Spore won't downloading through Origin


  1. Open Origin and click on the button Origin (top navigation menu)
  2. Choose Preferences
  3. Select Diagnostic and scroll down to the small „Safe mode downloading“
  4. Set the hook to ON, say ok, keep an eye on my pic

Spore Creepy & Cute won't download on Mac

If you have already played this EP on your PC platform and you switch to the Mac platform. So it is understandable , you cannot see it in your Library in Origin. You cannot play or download, because the game is not available for the Mac platform


Clicking Problem on mac with Spore

Launch Spore switch to the window mode with ⌘ and Enter.
Navigate in Spore to graphics settings and select the correct screen resolution


Ich arbeite nicht bei EA.. Ich gebe Tipps zu Sims auf dem Mac, Die Sims Freispiel zu Mobile……
Message 2 of 3 (143,139 Views)

Re: Read before posting: Spore MASTER FAQ 2015/2016

[ Edited ]

Because of the multiple questions around Darkspore Server, why I get no connection.
The servers of this game have been shutdown already last year


Thank You for understanding 🙂




Ich arbeite nicht bei EA.. Ich gebe Tipps zu Sims auf dem Mac, Die Sims Freispiel zu Mobile……
Message 3 of 3 (130,552 Views)