Everyone please stop!!! It is not your equipment!

by Chillys_Tavern

Original Post

Everyone please stop!!! It is not your equipment!

★★★ Novice



There is ZERO CHANCE this is related to your hardware or the level of GPU driver you have installed. I am 33 years in I.T. and a gamer for longer than that. Here is how I justify my comment.

If it were a driver issue - 80 people have tried 80 different configured computers by updating their driver - GAME STILL CRASHES.
If it were a hardware issue for any of us..... again 80 different people in this thread with 80 different computers. What are the odds of it being the hardware?

The truth is that when you have this much diversity in hardware you can no longer say it is the hardware and it MUST be in the software. I have seen this error reported on everything from a PS5 to a computer like mine with Dual AMD 6800XT's and a 5950 CPU. Nvidia hardware - Intel CPU - AMD gear.... turn off overlays.... repair files repair files repair files....

NO - The issue is the game code. The developer needs to debug their code - make a patch and pass it to us. It is NOT OUR HARDWARE. 

How many other games do we all play from the MYRIAD of games possible among just 80 people let alone the numerous others in other threads.

ELECTRONIC ARTS failed and I am going to refund and try again in a couple months. 
This is gonna hurt EA in the reviews/content creators/Twitch streamers..... everywhere.

Stop being frustrated. The game is broken... I hate to say this even to myself.... but go play another game for the time being.... and this pisses me off bad!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Message 1 of 1 (181 Views)


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