Re: AT-ST Falls Through Map On Sullust

by CallumHuseyin

Original Post

AT-ST Falls Through Map On Sullust

★★ Novice

Product: Star Wars Battlefront II
What is your issue related to? General
Summarize your bug During the Campaign, while on Get off Sullust with Lando and Shriv. As Lando enters the AT-ST, the AT-ST just "falls" through the map and it seems to be floating in the sky. I can hear the mission sounds and chatter, but I cannot move the AT-ST. I've tried restarting the last checkpoint, but as I'm placed into the AT-ST, the vehicle just "falls" again. Thanks in advance for your help!
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? ifyc5766
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Can you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug? 09/07/2020
What time did you see the bug? (HH:MM AM/PM) 12:21PM
In what game mode did the bug occur? Campaign
What is your time zone? CST - GMT - 6:00
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? During the Get off Sullust phase, when you are told to Steal an Imperial Shuttle. Right at the beginning when Lando enters the AT-ST. At this point, the AT-ST justs "falls" through the map.
What happens when the bug occurs? The AT-ST "falls" though the map and is seemingly floating in the sky. The AT-ST cannot move.
What do you expect to see? I expected to be able to pilot the AT-ST so that I may steal an Imperial Shuttle.
Please select your region North America
AMD or Nvidia Model Number AMD Radeon R9 200 Series

Please see attached screen snippet displaying graphical bug.

Message 1 of 26 (6,460 Views)

Re: AT-ST Falls Through Map On Sullust

★★ Novice

I'm having the exact same problem. Frown

Message 2 of 26 (6,300 Views)

Re: AT-ST Falls Through Map On Sullust

★ Novice

Hi! Same problem. any solutions?

Message 3 of 26 (6,282 Views)

Re: AT-ST Falls Through Map On Sullust

★★★★★ Expert

I'm planning on replaying the campaign after almost 3 years I last completed it. When I get to this level I'll share my experience here.

Message 4 of 26 (6,248 Views)

Re: AT-ST Falls Through Map On Sullust

★★★ Newbie

This is still a problem for me - can someone help?

Message 5 of 26 (6,057 Views)

Re: AT-ST Falls Through Map On Sullust

★★★ Newbie

Does it still happen?

Message 6 of 26 (6,043 Views)

Re: AT-ST Falls Through Map On Sullust

★★★ Newbie

Yes it's still happening. I can't finish the campaign because I'm stuck on sullust, falling through the map every time.


Message 7 of 26 (5,795 Views)

Re: AT-ST Falls Through Map On Sullust

★★★ Newbie

I solved it by quitting out of the game completely, and then loading it back up and continuing the campaign.

Message 8 of 26 (5,793 Views)

Re: AT-ST Falls Through Map On Sullust

★★★★★ Newbie
@ifyc5766 Happening to me too! Anyone have a fix?
Message 9 of 26 (5,502 Views)

Re: AT-ST Falls Through Map On Sullust

★★★★★ Newbie
@Werdna66669420 Validated steam files and going to retry, I restarted the whole campaign and it happened again! makes me warry about the whole EA play subscription.
Message 10 of 26 (5,501 Views)