3 weeks ago
I have the issue that every time i try to launch BF2 it displays an error saying that the GPU driver is detected as Version 0.0.0.
This is obviously some sort of bug with the game because i have tried basically everything already multiple times.
I have already tried both AMDs clean uninstall utility and DDU separately to delete and reinstall all graphics drivers, i have tried reinstalling the game, the EG launcher and the EA launcher (using Revo to unsure it's a clean reinstall every time) i tried deleting the iGPUs Display adapter through windows own device manager and i tried disabling the iGPU with the BIOS.
Noting works. Nothing fixed this issue.
And considering that this bug has been frequently reported on for the past SIX YEARS!!! maybe it's about time you try to come up with an actual solution on your end rather than always saying: "Just use the AMD uninstall utility" because guess what: That doesn't fix anything because the AMD drivers aren't the problem.
The Problem is that your game sees an iGPU in the hardware, completely ignores that it's inactive, tries to get a driver version from it and then just assumes the driver is 0.0.0 when it doesn't receive an answer because the iGPU isn't bloody active and doesn't respond.
Furthermore the big issue then is that in the past 6 years not one dev has had the thought to maybe implement an option to tell the game to just ignore driver version 0.0.0 as it obviously is a faulty piece of information as it's completely and utterly impossible for someones GPU to actually be running on a graphics driver with the version number 0.0.0!!!
So please come up with an working solution to a problem that stops a huge number of people from playing your dead game
2 weeks ago
The fixes I've seen say you need to configure your PC/laptop to use the dedicated graphics card to play the game. I've also seen people have this error pop up when their hardware doesn't meet minimum requirements.