Item handout on PTE

by ee_skyfyre8

Original Post

Item handout on PTE

[ Edited ]
Envision Team

Hey to everyone on the PTE!


Because the question came up what items we hand out on the PTE (and when we do it), I'd like to outline what happens and when it does. There are 3 different sets of items we give to all active players on the PTE.


Daily Items (12:00 p.m. UTC)

  • 4x 12h offense repair time
  • 10x command points

Weekly Items (Friday 1:00 p.m. UTC)

  • 5x 24h offense repair time

~Monthly Items (every 30 days 10:00 a.m. UTC)

  • 1 x +48h repair time capacity for 30 days
  • 1x +200 command point cap for 30 days

I hope that helps to clarify the item handout and answers some of the question regarding this.

enigm/skyfyre8 - Envision Entertainment Team member
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