Gra się wyłącza po misjach

autor: illu30

Pierwszy Wpis

Gra się wyłącza po misjach

★★★ Newbie

mam problem z gra Anthem, polega on na tym że po każdej misji wywala mnie  do Windowsa i zamyka grę. Czy ktoś wie jak to naprawić ? 

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Dot.: Gra się wyłącza po misjach

Community Manager (retired)

@illu30 Witaj!


Problem tzw. niekończącego się ładowania jest jednym z punktów analizowanych przez


Studio po zakończeniu wersji VIP DEMO, analizuje kilka zgłoszonych problemów z połączeniem i ogólną stabilnością gry:


  1. Platform connections – this was caused by the spike in players entering the game when we opened up. Unfortunately, these issues did not present themselves during our internal testing. Investigations are ongoing, and we will continue to apply fixes throughout the weekend.

  2. Entitlements – these are account flags that grant players things like their pre-order incentives and demo access. During the demo weekend, we identified a bug where VIP players with a specific combination of entitlements were being blocked from accessing the demo. We believe we’ve resolved most of these, but have additional cases we are addressing.

  3. “Infinite loads” – this is occurring for some players, particularly when they transition from Fort Tarsis to an expedition. We saw this only in isolated cases during internal testing and believed it was resolved. Unfortunately, the problem is exacerbated in the real-world where differences with player’s ISPs and home networks introduce new behavior.

  4. Continue to resolve any reports of issues with login and entitlement problems.

  5. Implement fixes to address “infinite loads”. I want to be upfront that this is a difficult one, and something we may not resolve during this weekend — many players are not seeing this issue and the last thing we want to do is destabilize the experience for everyone.

  6. Improve server performance. We’ve heard reports of rubber-banding and other signs of server latency. We believe we can address this and will be conducting some small-scale experiments to confirm that. We may roll some fixes out this weekend or may wait for the open demo next weekend, depending on the level of risk to the overall service.

Przepraszamy wszystkich za zaistniałe sytuacje ze stabilnością i połączeniem. Zachęcamy również do zapoznania się ze szczegółowym raportem Chada Robertsona - szefa Bioware ds. Live Service odnośnie zgłoszonych problemów i ich zaadresowania w przyszłości.


W ramach małej rekompensaty, studio przyzna poniższy Vinyl dla wszystkich osób biorących udział w wersji VIP Demo.


"We appreciate everyone’s patience and sincerely apologize for those who have had issues getting into the game. As a token of appreciation for your enthusiasm and any issues you encountered, we’re giving everyone who participated in the VIP demo weekend an additional new vinyl at launch."



Wiadomość 2 z 3 (477 wyświetleń)

Dot.: Gra się wyłącza po misjach

★★★★★ Apprentice

Zmień język na angielski. Mi pomogło

Wiadomość 3 z 3 (396 wyświetleń)


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