January 2015
How did you go?
January 2015
Hi Jerseyycow, did not phone yet, its only half past nine at night here now and half an hour after midnight there in California, I will be phoning first thing tomorrow morning when its early afternoon by them. I will come and post here and on the forums as soon as I am done with the call, will deffinetly keep everyone updated on what was said
January 2015
You're awesome.
January 2015 - last edited January 2015
January 2015
January 2015
January 2015
January 2015
Started a petition instead, just to get the word out, not wanting to start a flame war, just getting word out there about us being upset about higher prices than US, Its better than being on hold for one hour
January 2015
Thanks for trying, I know everyone here appreciated it.
Uhm, may sound silly... but you did use a phone card to call them, didn't you? I didn't suggest it before because you said English was a second language, so I assumed you'd know about them.
January 2015
nope jerseyycow, used my home line to phone them. Its all good, lesson learned, NEVER phone ea in America even if you tell them its international they play sims music and ignore you for an hour, propbably would have been more if I kept going, which I deffinetly did not plan on doing