Sims Delivery Error Code: 00000008:0000000000000000

by camarobabeplayer

Original Post

Re: No Gallery and sims Delivery Error Code: 00000008:0000000000000000

@firequeen76  Do you have a laptop, and if so, could you take it somewhere else: work, a friend's house, a coffee shop, the local library?  I still think it's worth testing on someone else's wifi, as you've already tried the usual troubleshooting steps.


It's not the same as having a Gallery connection in-game, but you can download items from the Gallery using the website too.  You'd just need to manually move the corresponding files to the Tray folder.  At the very least, it's a temporary workaround while we try to figure this out.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 31 of 38 (669 Views)

Re: No Gallery and sims Delivery Error Code: 00000008:0000000000000000

★ Guide

My game is on a desktop. I can’t move that to someone else’s place. Andif I borrowed a laptop, perhaps could I just download it and then test it someplace else? 

It’s not really something I could do though like long-term. But I agree it would be good to test. I just not sure if it’s a reliable test because I feel like it might be my computer and probably not the game. Unless it is just the game. 

I mean it was working until I downloaded the two kits and then it stopped so something changed then.


I will keep trying to work on an alternate connection for my game. I appreciate the advice and all this support. It’s really cool thanks so much

Message 32 of 38 (660 Views)

Re: No Gallery and sims Delivery Error Code: 00000008:0000000000000000

@firequeen76  It could still be the connection if the phone hotspot was too slow or somehow has the same issue (unlikely but not impossible).  I would say though that testing on a different device, especially one you're borrowing that hasn't had the game installed before, would be useful, that is if it's possible.  You could test a laptop on your home network, and if it works, the desktop itself is the issue.  If it doesn't, you'd want to test the laptop on a different network just in case this problem is related to your EA account.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 33 of 38 (650 Views)

Re: No Gallery and sims Delivery Error Code: 00000008:0000000000000000

★ Guide
@puzzlezaddict I am trying to test it on a laptop, but it has not been easy. My brother uses his all the time. I will work on it. I appreciate your help.
Message 34 of 38 (577 Views)

Re: No Gallery and sims Delivery Error Code: 00000008:0000000000000000

★ Guide
@puzzlezaddict I just wanted to update you. I tried to connect my computer to two different hot spots on two different phone networks and it did not work. I made a new post as I couldn't find this one when I looked on my phone. I found it in my profile on my computer so I wanted to answer your last question. It has been three months and I still can't get on the gallery.

I have been trying to turn off my antivirus and still no gallery access. And I still get the error code for sims delivery.
Message 35 of 38 (509 Views)

Re: No Gallery and sims Delivery Error Code: 00000008:0000000000000000

@firequeen76  Thanks for the update.  Since the suggestions in this thread didn't help, I can only think of this:


Otherwise, please continue with your new thread here:


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 36 of 38 (497 Views)

Re: No Gallery and sims Delivery Error Code: 00000008:0000000000000000

★ Guide
@puzzlezaddict Thank you for your help. I was able to follow the instructions..I am still getting the error message. I had it on to see if it would come up. Anyhow I appreciate your help. I will refer to the new thread. Thanks
Message 37 of 38 (483 Views)

Re: No Gallery and sims Delivery Error Code: 00000008:0000000000000000

★ Guide
@puzzlezaddict I wanted to let you know that I can get on the gallery now. After the update today I had access once I got back in the game. I appreciate so much all you did to help me. Thanks so much.
Message 38 of 38 (430 Views)