Sims 4 Dine Out

by RoseMairie

Original Post

Sims 4 Dine Out

★★ Newbie
Hey in Dine Out.. Great EP btw, but there has to be a better way of getting the right sims.
I just wanted the people in my household to be the staff, but I spent like a good 8 hours jumping in and out of manage worlds and the restaurant and taking everyone out and deleting them and finding out Aliens can't be employees and on and on and on.

Basically I'd love a patch that allows you to better select certain sims for the position. Thanks 💚
Message 1 of 2 (302 Views)

Re: Sims 4 Dine Out

Have a look over here:

I assume EA is aware of this, and it might or might not be changed in the future.


Answers HQ Guardian

do not work for EA


Message 2 of 2 (294 Views)