Game Crashes When Lot is Chosen

by LouAnna2015

Original Post

Accepted Solution

Game Crashes When Lot is Chosen

[ Edited ]
★ Novice

My Sims 4 game is crashing when I go to a lot.  I go through the Create a Sim part fine with no problems, but as soon as I click on a lot, it crashes my entire PC.  No error message.  No just game crash.  Crashes the entire PC and sometimes restarts it.  It worked fine on my old PC, but not on this new one (which has a way better graphics driver and a ton more memory and ram).


These are the things I've tried:

Totally Uninstalling and Reinstalling both the games and origin on the PC

Uninstalling and reinstalling the games in Origin

Using the repair button in Origin

Clearing the cashe

Running CCleaner

Disabling all  firewalls except Windows Defender

Deleting all the auto generated households

Deleting the current household and making a new one

Tried Playing in Laptop Mode

Tried Playing in Windowed Mode


Any suggestions at all? I've attached the dxdiag.  ANY suggestions would be helpful.  I tried contacting EA but they couldn't help me at all.

Message 1 of 5 (414 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Game Crashes When Lot is Chosen

That seems to be an GeForce error. I've read updating the card should fix it, but I think you have the latest update on the card.

Could you give that a try?


Your card is supported by the game, so that's not the issue.


Answers HQ Guardian

do not work for EA


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Message 5 of 5 (386 Views)

All Replies

Re: Game Crashes When Lot is Chosen

Do you have any mods or CC (custom content)? Try taking that out.
See this for more information: [PLEASE READ] Usage of Mods and Custom Content


Have you tried starting a new save? 


Answers HQ Guardian

do not work for EA


Message 2 of 5 (387 Views)

Re: Game Crashes When Lot is Chosen

★ Novice
I don't have any mods or custom content installed. I don't even have any saved games. I finally got an error message yesterday saying that my graphics card was denying access to my Sims 4 game. Any idea on how to allow access?
Message 3 of 5 (365 Views)

Re: Game Crashes When Lot is Chosen

Hero (Retired)

@LouAnna2015 It is quite possible that your video card (chip same thing) is so new it may not be in the game database (yet). Adding the information to the .sgr file is easier then The Sims 3 game as you only have to edit one file. the information you need is available in the dxdiag listing.

Message 4 of 5 (353 Views)

Re: Game Crashes When Lot is Chosen

That seems to be an GeForce error. I've read updating the card should fix it, but I think you have the latest update on the card.

Could you give that a try?


Your card is supported by the game, so that's not the issue.


Answers HQ Guardian

do not work for EA


Message 5 of 5 (387 Views)