Unable to Connect to EA Servers (ps5 digital)

by Herbyy20

Original Post

Re: Unable to Connect to EA Servers (ps5 digital)

★★★ Newbie

Did you manage to fix it??? I am having the same issue, none of these fixes work, I have paid a lot of money for this and it is obviously EA problem since all other games and internet connection is all working!!! Please share if you managed to fix it!


Message 21 of 23 (488 Views)

Re: Unable to Connect to EA Servers (ps5 digital)

★★★ Newbie

It was the same for us. You need to turn off PS, then enter EA on your phone/ computer and log into your EA account.LINK the EA account to your PS account. Then turn on PS5, enter the game and voila!


Message 22 of 23 (486 Views)

Re: Unable to Connect to EA Servers (ps5 digital)

★★★ Newbie

Nie mogę wejść w ultimate team

Message 23 of 23 (238 Views)