UFC 4 xbox one profile offline

by saintspriest987

Original Post

Re: Saying my profile is offline

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice

@EA_Blueberry @saintspriest987 @SAlNTT1

It works the default avatar pic thing worked 

*Marking solved for visibility*


Change your profile picture for your Xbox Gamertag to a default one.


- EA_Blueberry

Message 61 of 220 (15,872 Views)

Re: Saying my profile is offline

★★★ Newbie

Changing the picture worked for me, thank you ... strange how a profile picture can cause that haha 

Message 62 of 220 (2,441 Views)

Re: Saying my profile is offline

★★ Novice
@EA_Blueberry changing the profile picture didn’t work for me, it still says my account is invalid
Message 63 of 220 (2,412 Views)

Re: Saying my profile is offline

Community Manager
@ihatedisplayname Are you getting Invalid Process or Invalid Account?

If it's Invalid Process / Gamertag is stuck offline, please try changing to a different Gamertag one more time. Make sure it's a DEFAULT Xbox Gamertag. Not a custom uploaded one.

If it's Invalid account. Resetting the password can help some players, otherwise you may need to contact our Support team to bring up your account and see what's causing that error. We have thread on that here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Invalid-account-missing-content/m-p/9402330#M304
Message 64 of 220 (2,405 Views)

Re: Saying my profile is offline

★★ Novice



Message 65 of 220 (2,376 Views)

Re: Saying my profile is offline

★★★★ Novice
@EA_Blueberry This happens to me when trying to go into playerhub
Message 66 of 220 (2,323 Views)

Re: Saying my profile is offline

★★★ Newbie

Xbox GT: FrontlineFire98

east coast region.

Message 67 of 220 (2,309 Views)

Re: Saying my profile is offline

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

Edit: I can confirm that changing my Gamerpic on Xbox has fixed the issue and I can now edit card etc. Hope this helps ?




Pressing player hub makes Error: Invalid Process. Basketball appear.


ive not changed my gamertag in years and don’t plan on doing so however I can fight online but my overall level is 1 and it just says Offline on the top left hand side.


will there be a patch or something coming to fix this issue? Looks like there are a lot of people with it 

Message 68 of 220 (2,271 Views)

Re: Saying my profile is offline

★ Novice


pacific coast US

Message 69 of 220 (2,261 Views)

Re: Saying my profile is offline

★★★ Newbie




Message 70 of 220 (2,230 Views)