August 2020 - last edited August 2020 by EA_Blueberry
@EA_Blueberry @saintspriest987 @SAlNTT1
It works the default avatar pic thing worked
*Marking solved for visibility*
Change your profile picture for your Xbox Gamertag to a default one.
- EA_Blueberry
August 2020
Changing the picture worked for me, thank you ... strange how a profile picture can cause that haha
August 2020
August 2020
August 2020
August 2020
August 2020
Xbox GT: FrontlineFire98
east coast region.
August 2020 - last edited August 2020
Edit: I can confirm that changing my Gamerpic on Xbox has fixed the issue and I can now edit card etc. Hope this helps ?
Pressing player hub makes Error: Invalid Process. appear.
ive not changed my gamertag in years and don’t plan on doing so however I can fight online but my overall level is 1 and it just says Offline on the top left hand side.
will there be a patch or something coming to fix this issue? Looks like there are a lot of people with it
August 2020
pacific coast US
August 2020