UFC 2 will shut down servers soon

by AbbyBorz

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Accepted Solution

UFC 2 will shut down servers soon

★★★ Newbie

UFC 2 will shut down servers soon. What day of the month? Can you please tell me if the server will be disabled for Xbox and PS platforms? Why disable for PS? There are a lot of people playing UFC 2 on PS right now!

Message 1 of 6 (5,329 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: UFC 2 will shut down servers soon. What day of the month?

Community Manager



It just looks like we are removing UFC and UFC2 from the Play List and this will only affect EA Play subscribers: 


"EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 - EA Play members, please note that we are removing EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 from The Play List on July 14, 2021."






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Message 3 of 6 (5,281 Views)

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UFC 2 will shut down servers soon. What day of the month?

★★★ Newbie

UFC 2 will shut down servers soon. What day of the month? Can you please tell me if the server will be disabled for Xbox and PS platforms? Why disable for PS? There are a lot of people playing UFC 2 on PS right now!

Message 2 of 6 (5,319 Views)

Re: UFC 2 will shut down servers soon. What day of the month?

Community Manager



It just looks like we are removing UFC and UFC2 from the Play List and this will only affect EA Play subscribers: 


"EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 - EA Play members, please note that we are removing EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 from The Play List on July 14, 2021."





Message 3 of 6 (5,282 Views)

Re: UFC 2 will shut down servers soon. What day of the month?

★★★ Newbie
Servers for the game online UFC 2 You also turn off July 14?
Message 4 of 6 (5,270 Views)

Re: UFC 2 will shut down servers soon. What day of the month?

Community Manager
@AbbyBorz It only mentions the EA Play List on the Service Update site, servers should still be up.
Message 5 of 6 (5,246 Views)

Re: UFC 2 will shut down servers soon. What day of the month?

★★★ Novice

Верните обратно он лайн UFC 2 ! Тысячи фанатов сидят без игры !!!!!!!!!!!


Bring back the online UFC 2! Thousands of fans are sitting without a game!!!!!!!!!!!

RUS ========================= В 2023 г компания EA Games отключила сервера для игры UFC 2. Тысячи фанатов остались без любимой игры. Части UFC 3-5 это совсем не то. Полностью другая механика игры. Не интересно играть. Просим разработчиков вернуть сервера и восстановить Он - лайн режим в игре UFC2
Message 6 of 6 (330 Views)