Blitz battle ufc 4 end region lock

by Livevil47

Original Post

Accepted Solution

Blitz battle ufc 4 end region lock

★★★ Newbie

This game mode has a lot of potential but when you get too round 5/6 you can never find a fight for hours. End the region lock on blitz battles. I’d rather lose because of a * connection then wait 4 hours for a fight 

Message 1 of 9 (3,822 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Blitz battle ufc 4 end region lock

Community Manager



Do you know if you're on a STRICT NAT? I don't think it should take that long for your later rounds.

Have you tried a quick power cycle with your console and router lately? There were times I hung up in matchmaking for games but once I did a quick refresh with the connection, a new established connection to the servers allowed me to instantly matchmake.


This is definitely worth a try to see if results change. Can you let me know if it helps? The team is always aware of matchmaking times and will adjust if it's beyond a certain range. They don't want players waiting over an hour for matches. I'm hoping this is connectivity related. 


Reboot the power to the modem/router

  1. Unplug the power cable from your modem/router for 5-10 minutes to refresh the network.

How to power cycle your PS4 console

  1. Touch the power button on the front of the PS4 for at least 7 seconds (until the system beeps twice).
  2. Turn it back on after 1 minute. Launch the game.

View in thread

Message 4 of 9 (3,771 Views)

All Replies

Re: Blitz battle ufc 4 end region lock

Community Manager


How long does it actually take for you to find a fight, what platform, and what region are you from?

Message 2 of 9 (3,787 Views)

Re: Blitz battle ufc 4 end region lock

★★★ Newbie

Rounds 1-3 are usually quick, round 4 a hour plus sometimes, round 5 2-3 hours I’ve been to the final round 4 times and have never found a match sometimes waiting 4+ hours. I’m on the PS4 and live in Australia. It’s a good mode but needs work (getting rid of region lock probably fixes most these problems and maybe if it was 5 rounds instead of 6) and the fact it’s tied to a trophy sucks. 

Message 3 of 9 (3,776 Views)

Re: Blitz battle ufc 4 end region lock

Community Manager



Do you know if you're on a STRICT NAT? I don't think it should take that long for your later rounds.

Have you tried a quick power cycle with your console and router lately? There were times I hung up in matchmaking for games but once I did a quick refresh with the connection, a new established connection to the servers allowed me to instantly matchmake.


This is definitely worth a try to see if results change. Can you let me know if it helps? The team is always aware of matchmaking times and will adjust if it's beyond a certain range. They don't want players waiting over an hour for matches. I'm hoping this is connectivity related. 


Reboot the power to the modem/router

  1. Unplug the power cable from your modem/router for 5-10 minutes to refresh the network.

How to power cycle your PS4 console

  1. Touch the power button on the front of the PS4 for at least 7 seconds (until the system beeps twice).
  2. Turn it back on after 1 minute. Launch the game.
Message 4 of 9 (3,772 Views)

Re: Blitz battle ufc 4 end region lock

★★ Novice

Agreed first three rounds don't take too long but after that u can be waiting hours its ridiculous I live in new Zealand and have the same issues can't get the trophy because you can't exit without losing Ur position and no one is ever there to get matched up with

Message 5 of 9 (3,480 Views)

Re: Blitz battle ufc 4 end region lock

★★★ Newbie
@EA_Blueberry Brah, this is really bad advice. I was on Round 4 of Blitz. It took me about 1.5 hours of waiting to get 3 fights, and I lost my progress on Blitz after I reset my modem.

Seriously man, how is this question marked as solved?
Message 6 of 9 (2,337 Views)

Re: Blitz battle ufc 4 end region lock

Community Manager

This was approved as a solution at that time because it helped an individual out. There may not always be a clear cut one answer for all on our forums. OP's for posts can approve solutions if it fixes it for them.

So at that time Blitz was far more popular at launch than as of now, so it might be more difficult to find a equal matchup now or in general, take longer to matchmake. These steps in the solution can help increase the amount of players you can pool with in the event you have a STRICT NAT.
Message 7 of 9 (2,327 Views)

Re: Blitz battle ufc 4 end region lock

★★★ Newbie
@EA_Blueberry It was never popular in Australia the servers are locked to Australia only we can’t change this when you figured it was dead you could have just put ai background update to fix this solution since everyone has had this problem I’m boosting it this week. Contact me on psn Wolf_Sikorski383 if you want your platinum trophy.
Message 8 of 9 (632 Views)

Re: Blitz battle ufc 4 end region lock

★★★ Newbie

Put in a background update to remove region lock or add ai this trophy is impossible because your servers are trash billon dollar company can’t get one thing right.

Message 9 of 9 (599 Views)