Support is Necessary

by PowerPaladin541

Original Post

Support is Necessary

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

To community Managers @EA_Blueberry@EA_Darko, & @EA_Joz,


I hope you find the time to read this (hopefully not too) long request. I understand that reading all of the questions on this forum for Star Wars: Squadrons can be frustrating, especially when the only reply can be, "This game is no longer being supported," "There are no upcoming changes," or, "Thank you for your feedback, the best I can do is make a log of it," and variations on those themes. I'm sure you wish you could tell us that these problems could get fixed, and we thank you for doing what you can to explain the situation to folks who have been playing this game for a while or are brand new.


But this is not just a 'thank you' post.


There are more than a few people who wish the developers were never pushed onto another project, myself included. By now, we've likely listed dozens and dozens of issues that would normally see resolution from some sort of support team in a relatively short amount of time, whether they be hot-fixed or bundled as a client-side patch. It's frustrating for the players who are just now finding these issues and it really takes the wind out of their sails when they also discover that nothing's going to be done about them. No rework for matchmaking and rank, no control setting fixes, no patch for holes in the map, no solution for graphical errors, no resolution for problems completing the campaign, no VR optimization, and no balancing for starfighters that still need it. I guess I could go on, but why be redundant when this whole forum practically serves as a virtual scroll of issues.


The one thing, and I guess the only thing, I can do, as fruitless as it may be, as David vs Goliath as it is, as annoying as it probably was for you for me to ping three community managers, and with as little of an understanding of your role on these forums in association with this game as I have, is this:

My feedback is to ask that you speak to somebody up the ladder about revisiting this game's support. We have a fervent community that has poured innumerable hours of play time, organization, and education into getting everyone in the community on the same page so that they can enjoy Star Wars: Squadrons. Tens of thousands of dollars have been raised for numerous leagues and tournaments. Thousands of discord server members who blow up chats everyday about this game. This unsupported game.


Star Wars: Squadrons isn't a bad game. If it was, players like myself wouldn't still be here, over four months after the end of its support.

It's a good game with some very obvious rough spots here and there, and it just needs a little love from EA to polish those out. We know that we in the community are already pouring in all of our love that we can, but we can't fix these problems.


Help. Please.

Message 1 of 5 (1,372 Views)

Re: Support is Necessary

★★★★ Novice

I have to agree on this.


Message 2 of 5 (1,325 Views)

Re: Support is Necessary

★★ Apprentice

Well said ! A lot of improvement can be done... tobii support for example... i cannot understand a game like no man sky can make more and more upgrade for free And EA cannot....

Message 3 of 5 (1,261 Views)

Re: Support is Necessary

★★ Pro

I was thinking since they are still selling the game and currently on Steam they are having a sale, it would be great to have more Support from EA. New players might have new issues with the game after all, so I reckon support should be renewed to help the community, especially if they want to rope in new players.


Well, it is up to EA in the end what they want to do, but who would honestly recommend a game that has no more support?

Message 4 of 5 (1,176 Views)

Re: Support is Necessary

★★★ Newbie

Tobii support should be a must for something like Star Wars squadrons

Message 5 of 5 (320 Views)