Star Wars Jedi origin access??

by thecapitan1305

Original Post

Accepted Solution

Star Wars Jedi origin access??

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice


i have a question

will you include new EA games like Fifa 20, and Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order at launch at origin access premier Vault or not?

Do you have any plans for this service for new games in 2019?

Message 1 of 79 (69,965 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Star Wars Jedi origin access??


@Zakuro89 @samson10101 


Hey there! 


I hope you had a great time watching EA Play.


To confirm - EA and Origin Access members will get a 10% discount on purchasing the game and Origin Access Premier subscribers can play the deluxe edition of the game at launch.

View in thread

Message 14 of 79 (73,142 Views)

All Replies

Re: Star Wars Jedi origin access??

[ Edited ]
Community Manager

We're currently working through the details on those and will have more to share on them in the future.

Message 2 of 79 (69,810 Views)

Re: Star Wars Jedi origin access??

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

Ok so is there any possibility to see them included in Origin Access Premier Vault?

Do you give more informations at EA PLAY?

Message 3 of 79 (69,400 Views)

Re: Star Wars Jedi origin access??

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Guide

The main selling point of Origin Access Premier is that all best versions of all EA games are being included.
If EA goes back on this they will have a lot of angry customers and lots of canceled subs.

I assume the full answer is "Yes, but we're currently working through the details on those and will have more to share on them in the future."

Message 4 of 79 (69,325 Views)

Re: Star Wars Jedi origin access??


@3DiE9djua2  @thecapitan1305 


Correct. We're currently working through the details on those and will have more to share on them in the future. As for an ETA, I don't have that available just yet.


Message 5 of 79 (69,243 Views)

Re: Star Wars Jedi origin access??

★★★★★ Apprentice

Ok thank you !

Message 6 of 79 (69,225 Views)

Re: Star Wars Jedi origin access??

★ Novice

This is soooo true. The reason i saved up for a year sub is because of this. I see it as i do not own the game so after sub i lose it. This is a trade off i'm willing to take if it means i get to play all the best EA titles. 

Should EA go back on this i (as well as many others) will seriously be unhappy.

Please EA i know you're going through a rough patch but I'm still supporting you guys as EA and Activition is part of my childhood.


Can't wait to see where this company is headed. Love the games and love the content. 

Message 7 of 79 (69,215 Views)

Re: Star Wars Jedi origin access??

★★★ Apprentice

There's ZERO mention of Origin Access, Basic or Premier on Fallen Order's pre-order page in Origin.


This is making me think it will not be on the program.

Message 8 of 79 (69,210 Views)

Re: Star Wars Jedi origin access??

★★ Novice
judging by the origin premies description it has to be free on it five days early.
though i'd imagine it will be free for the people who paid for the year upfront and not monthly subscribers. otherwise people will just pay £15 for one month just to play JFO
Message 9 of 79 (69,145 Views)

Re: Star Wars Jedi origin access??

★★★ Novice

My assumption here (and I would LOVE to be corrected) is that they CAN'T commit to it being available at launch yet, and it is likely due to licencing rights between EA, Respawn, LucasArts, and the high overlord's Disney (nothing against them, just, they are the owners of all we nerds love now). Something about how much they need to pay others will restrict it. Right now, I can see a pre-order option with only the 10% discount that basic gets.


Hopefully something works out, and at the very least, Premier should get us a much greater discount (50%?) PLUS all the same perks (early access etc). EA are becoming the publisher that listens to gamers (Re-dev of Battlefield, removing micro-transactions, tailoring content and subscription service) as opposed to others who just churn out their AAA titles to make more $$$. I want them to succeed with this!!!

Message 10 of 79 (68,570 Views)