how to run nfs most wanted 2012 dlc pack

by neilanoop

Original Post

how to run nfs most wanted 2012 dlc pack

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

I paid and downloaded  the need for speed most wanted heroes DLC pack . But the feature is not appearing or doesn't seem to be activated . please activate it immediately or refund my RS 647.82 immediately



Neil [Personal info removed - Admin.]

Message 1 of 4 (854 Views)

Re: how to run nfs most wanted 2012 dlc pack

★★ Novice

hello, any feedback to this topic?

i have similar issue - have DLCs, but they dont appear in game

please help, thanks in advance

Message 2 of 4 (493 Views)

Re: how to run nfs most wanted 2012 dlc pack

★★★ Newbie

I have this issue too. I have 3 add-on but its not working/showing actually idk why

Message 3 of 4 (274 Views)

Re: how to run nfs most wanted 2012 dlc pack

Community Manager (retired)

Hey NFS Community, 


This post has gotten pretty old at this point, and the team has worked to bring several changes since this thread first started. 


Due to our efforts to keep Answers HQ up to date, with the latest relevant information. I will be locking this thread for further replies. 


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Message 4 of 4 (246 Views)