Need for speed hot pursuit remastered performance issues on xbox one x

by SilentShad0W679

Original Post


Need for speed hot pursuit remastered performance issues on xbox one x

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

I am experiencing random stuttering in game that affects all graphics modes except I haven’t noticed it on the quality mode. Performance mode is fairly stable but has noticeable stutter that happens at random especially in hot pursuit events. And the maximum graphics mode has constant stuttering that makes the game feel as if it’s skipping and lurching and is near unplayable. I know the maximum mode isn’t going to get a locked 60fps on xbox one x but it feels something besides just simple frame rate drops are happening with it. And I never noticed these stuttering problems on ps4 pro when I played hot pursuit on that. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game several times installing to multiple different drives including a ssd to see if that would help (it didn’t). I have also cleared the system cache on my xbox one x. I am unsure if the game is at fault or if something is causing it to happen on my xbox only. But all other games run fine on it expect hot pursuit remastered.

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