NFS Shift - Sold tier 1 cars have to start over?


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NFS Shift - Sold tier 1 cars have to start over?

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie



I sold all my cars in career mode to get the best Tier 5 car. I played some races with it and then shut it off.


Now when I restart the game my only options are "Start Career" , Options and Quit.


So I pressed Start Career and I had to play the tutorial solo race and then with opponents. When I finished the tutorial I had to buy a new car, but whenever I tried to purchase one it said that I had no open garage slots available ( im assuming my Tier 5 car is still in my garage, because it also shows that car in the Main Menu ).


I am unable to do anything now in Need For Speed: Shift, except play the tutorial races Frown



I think this can only be solved by a patch :/


What can I do ?


Thanks in advance.

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Re: NFS Shift - Sold tier 1 cars have to start over?

★★★ Newbie


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