F1 19 Weekly Event

by uo9109tgielb

Original Post

Re: F1 19 Weekly Event

Community Manager

@korewahondes wrote:

As F1 22 has been fixed with a new weekly event, I wonder if @EA_Groguet could help us players with F1 2019 too!


F1 2019 currently has 3 achievements/trophies that are discontinued as you can check on TrueAchievements website: https://www.trueachievements.com/game/F1-2019/achievements?unobsdiscos=1


Please is it possible to add a new Weekly Grand Prix / Featured Event as you did in F1 22?


Thanks a lot for any help.

Hey there,


I can raise this to the team, but being a game from 4 years ago, I think it might be more difficult to reach. I will reach the team about this, but I cannot promise anything.



Message 21 of 65 (2,693 Views)

Re: F1 19 Weekly Event

★★★★★ Novice
@EA_Groguet Yes i totally understand that the situation for F1 2019 raises less passion than F1 22 did. The total number of user messages was way more numerous there than it is here.

But fyi F1 2019 is now the only entry in the whole F1 game series on PS/Xbox where a newcomer cannot unlock all of the trophies/achievements. So I'd say that it proves that Codemasters is really good and dedicated at maintaining functional games for several years. So I hope that, if they are made aware about this issue with F1 2019, they could help as they usually do. Standard smile
Message 22 of 65 (2,651 Views)

Re: F1 19 Weekly Event

★★★★★ Guide
@EA_Groguet F1 2010 is STILL actieve by Trophy Hunters too Standard smile So, 4 years means NOTHING for us.

Once F1 2019 Events are Back, My Brother and i will START the Game for the 1st Time,

F1 Series is NOT compleet without F1 2019 Standard smile

So we're waiting for a positieve Feedback Standard smile Like you did for F1 2022.
Message 23 of 65 (2,613 Views)

Re: F1 19 Weekly Event

★ Apprentice



I would like to subscribe to this topic as well. Please make F1 2019 online trophies obtainable again!


Thank you! Standard smile

Message 24 of 65 (2,528 Views)

Re: F1 19 Weekly Event

★★★★ Novice

I want the weekly events back so I can get the platinum for all the F1 games

Message 25 of 65 (2,413 Views)

Re: F1 19 Weekly Event

★★★ Newbie

Please bring back the multiplayer support for 2019 as well, I don't have it yet, but am working my way through the series and would go out and buy it if I knew the platinum was obtainable!

Message 26 of 65 (2,386 Views)

Re: F1 19 Weekly Event

★★ Novice

Please bring back the weekly events! Thank you!

Message 27 of 65 (2,287 Views)

Re: F1 19 Weekly Event

★★★★ Novice
@EA_Groguet Please bring back the multiplayer support for 2019 as well
Message 28 of 65 (2,275 Views)

Re: F1 19 Weekly Event

★★★ Newbie
@EA_Groguet Even though i already have all of the trophies for F1 2019, it really is a shame that it's now unobtainable. I was lucky enough to do it, but of course many people weren't. For us trophies hunters, having every trophie in every F1 game is what makes us buy the older games and grind. It sucks that i can't get F1 2012 platinum cuz i don't have a online pass and it has been delisted, and im pretty sure that the people who have that, but don't have the weekly event trophies for F1 2019 feel the same.
Message 29 of 65 (2,265 Views)

Re: F1 19 Weekly Event

★★★ Newbie

Please turn the 2019 F1 weekly events back on!

Message 30 of 65 (2,003 Views)


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