ultima online

by Tajny_Mason

Original Post

ultima online

★★ Newbie

Dear EA...

I have an advice for U. You will find many interested old school players if you'll make Ultima Online 2. But not like last piece of sh.. made by R. Garriot (something like WOW - called - Shroud of Avatar) - NO!! That was total fail!!! He first time he achieves something - but now all community of old school players knew that he is not so smart. We need new - true successor of great UO. You have to make game with graphic at least like in Diablo 3 "new 2d" (without third person view - it will spoil true RPG climate), with huge NEW open world (like in old UO) without elements of loading between levels(or with minimal). And everything from old UO masterpiece mechanics - you can do/make everything you can imagine: dig ore, lumberjack, be a Carpentier, sailor, build houses/ ships, be bandit, viking, wizard, archer, bigger. And after that you have to hire real Game Master - not A.I.  - to make servers with RPG role playing regulations, and servers without that - like plain hack and slash serwer. Or other option - to sell this game with tool to make own private server - and make free market, with locals game masters.

That was my thoughts.

Greetings from Thomas Chy. : [edit: email address removed]

Please RE.

Thank you in advance.


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