[Idea] Guns of the Immortals

by TroyChittock

Original Post

Accepted Solution

[Idea] Guns of the Immortals

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

Now, I have only shared this idea one place before, and it got small feedback. I hope I get some good feedback here too. I'm wondering if EA could help me make my game idea into a reality? I've had this idea forever and I need it to be real. Can I get some help? I don't know anything about program, I only direct stuff and write stories. Now I need help making this video game.


Here it is:


NAME - Guns of the Immortals (G.O.T.I.)
If this name isn't good to you, another name idea is 'Bloodbath'

Genre - Action and Parkour FPS
Gameplay - FPS First Person (Shooter)

Now, before I say anything, there are a few typed of game modes in this game of mine. First,
let's start with:

CAMPAIGN follows the story of an assassin named Bruce. Bruce works for the Mayor (since Bruce doesn't even know Mayor's real name, he calls him Mayor) in a ruined town called Heights City. The city is almost all in slumps, some areas futuristic and clean, and some turned down and murky from brown factories. The Mayor assigns Bruce to take out one-hundred assassins that are apparently trying to kill Mayor, so the game starts when Bruce is about to take out the ninety-eighth. Assassin #98 and #99 are used for tutorial levels, by the way. Now this is NOT a spoiler, but when Bruce reports to Mayor that he only needs to take out one more assassin, the Mayor betrays him, and admits that those assassins weren't evil, they were trying to stop Mayor from taking over the planet with his secret plans! Once the city depended on you to protect it, now it thinks you were trying to kill it and let it die. The Mayor tricked you, used you, and now you have lost almost everything you once owned, all your weapons, your kickass trench coat, and your hot sexy babes. All gone. But, as your kicked out of Mayor's HQ, you realize this may not be the end. You fight a gang of thugs and steal some of their weapons, and you have a basic pistol. You decide to swear revenge on Mayor, as he surrounds the city with a giant protective wall so everybody suffers here and is left to die. Now, whether the city depends on you or not, it's up to you, Bruce, to stop Mayor and save the city- hopefully in the most badass way possible.

The first feature I want to talk about is your health and sanity, a red bar and a blue bar. Your health bar is in one corner of your screen and your sanity is in the same corner underneath your health. Your health, like is most games, you need to know how much you have of it to stay alive. If you run out of health, you respawn. The respawn action is when you die, you fall, a white screen appears, and you wake up in a nearby area so you can do it again. You lose health by getting shot, being punched in the face, or any way that you get physically hurt. Your sanity, imagine it as a secondary health bar, another kind of health you need to stay alive or to do actions in the game. Let's say an enemy grabs you, and you have to button mash to get out oh his/her grasp. The longer you are in this action, you slowly lose sanity. The lower sanity you have, the less accuracy you have in your shots when you use a gun, or how well you dodge or how fast you run. If your sanity is completely depleted, you will lose double the health you usually do when you get shot, or when you are in that button mash hold I mentioned, you'll lose health instead of sanity. If your sanity meter is completely depleted, the sanity bar will fill up with a dark red, which will deplete whenever you do more actions, and you must rest so you can get your normal bar left. If the dark red sanity meter drains completely, your character will pass out, and that counts as a death. You must keep your sanity to survive just as much as you need your health.

The game has it's own combat system. You have special abilities that you have never seen in gaming before. Some features are the ability of SWIFTING. Swifting is when you can make a combination of dodge movements while doing other movements. Let's say you are surrounded, several enemies around you. You can press a single button to activate your Swifting, so you can run forwards, and by (if on Xbox) use the d-Pad to duck, sliding onto the ground, dodging the bullets, and my melee attacking, busting past the enemies the longer you hold it. Then, by swifting again, you can run up to a wall, jump onto it, and perform a wall run. While still swifting, you can press a button to pull out your selected weapon and continue to run or jump off the wall and start shooting. By swifting, the character will perform a combination of dodge moves while shooting at the targeted enemies, and will automatically land on the wall for himself, tel you can run, jump, and continue your parkour skills. I hope that sounded simple to you. Also, you cannot Swift forever. Like a stamina meter, you can only do this for a limited amount of time before you need to let your Swifting recharge itself. If Swifting is not available, you will not be able to hold it down, but you need to press the button once at a time to dodge a single bullet or two bullet about to come into contact at the same moment. Only with a certain amount of Swift will the game allow you to hold it down.

Or, sometimes, you can activate your PLANNING. Planning is when you can slow down time and look among the room by yourself, holding down the button will slow down time, again, Planning. While Planning, you can see the visible options you can perform, like if you see a wall you can climb and run onto, the game will tell you that you can do that by performing a certain combination of moves. Be warned, just because time is being slowed down does not mean you are indestructible. Enemies may be shooting at you, and the action might not be possible when the bullets get too close, and another option for Planning will be shown. If no actions are available, it will warn you, and you can go back to normal time. Planning is simple telling you what you can do to save yourself, showing you available exit routes, telling you how many times to shoot an enemy so you can do something awesome. Planning is your smarts, your guide to being a badass. It also shows you how much Swifting you are using up when you perform your action. Also, you cannot Plan forever. Like Swifting, you'll have to use your time wisely, as a meter will show you how much time you have left to see your actions. Time decreasing can be sped up if you are in combat, and you will have virtually unlimited time if just exploring the city, doing tricks and being amazing. The whole game is meant to have parkour abilities, like running on walls or doing front flips while falling downwards or anywhere. Another thing, if Bruce see's an enemy, it will appear on the screen, so if you turn around, you know where that enemy is, unless it hides behind a wall, you'll have to see it again so it's marked on the screen. This is used so when you are, let's say, you ran past two enemies in front of you and jumped off a building, on the bottom of your screen, you will see two marks showing you can they are behind you. If you start Swifting while Planning at the same time, the game will allow you to automatically turn around so you can shoot at them. This uses up both Planning and Swifting. This simple action is so Bruce automatically knows what to shoot at without you having to look behind you manually. Only with enough Planning and Swifting can you perform this automatic looking feature.

The game also has a system of knowing what you want to do just in case you do it. Let's say there is a small hole in the wall in front of you. You can crawl into this whole to enter a whole different room. In most games, if you see this hole, you'll have to press a button to do a sliding action, and you have to worry abut sliding too early, and you won't make it inside. That is not what this game does! If you see this hole, the game will know when you are in perfect range to slide into it. This leads to another feature in Planning. You can start Planning, and while doing so, it will show you an option of visible escape routes, such as the hole in front of you. While over this hole during planning, you can hold down one button and it was tell you that when you stop planning, the character will automatically slide into the hole for himself. And sure enough, it will. When you do this action, let go of planning and the character will speed up, jumping and sliding into the hole for itself. While doing this action, you can Swift and Plan at the same time, so, for example, if one enemy is to your left and another is to your right, Bruce will shoot at these enemies while he is performing this slide so you don't have to worry about being shot while the performance. You can also swift just to dodge, or Plan so you know what you can do after the action.

Also, the game has a slight inventory system. By using the bumpers (or some button like that) you can switch your weapon to a different one, I'm not sure if I've mentioned this or not. Using this inventory system, you can find objects around the area such as bottles, bricks, rocks, wooden planks, and more, and it will all go into four special slots called Miscellaneous. The slot allows you to hold certain objects that can be found around the environment and can be used as weapons depending on how you plan to use them. Now, there are four of these slots, but that doesn't mean you can actually hold FOUR objects. Imagine them as memory storage, one object will fill up a certain half of the container. So, this means that, let's say, a bottle will take up one slot, and a brick will take up two slots. You need to use your slots wisely, as you may need to drop one items to carry another. You can bash bricks on peoples heads, smash or throw bottles at people, you get the idea, but your items don't last forever. Eventually they break and crumble, but this will give you a free slot, now that nothing takes it up anymore, you can take something else.

Now we will talk about another game mode, which this one is my favorite. This game mode is called:

MISCHIEF is when you can customize and create your own assassin or hit man or normal, insane citizen. You can literally make the character look like anyone or anything, using a feature of layers and stretching parts of the body, or slides to increase body sizes to waist, to head, feet, anything. Changing color, gender, voice, attitude, you can make a replica of yourself, and watch you be dropped into the middle of Heights City, and the fun part about Mischief is that there are no rules. The city is your playground! Play by yourself and create your own story to your character, following your own destiny. Or, play with friends, and work together to take over the city and use it as your own, telling dirty jokes along the way, working together. Or, you can work with an optional amount of strangers, teaming up, making new friends or enemies, slaying each other in public or in secrecy, or working with each other, building clans, to try to stay alive and own the city. You can play in many game modes in Mischief. This game mode you just heard of in YOUR STORY, when you use the city as your world, making up your own epic missions. There is also options such as Capture the Flag, Team Deathmatch, or anything like that, where the city isn't so open-world, and you literally have a mission! No time to explore, time to play some games and have some fun! Another mode(s) in Mischief, is SANDBOX and SHARE. Sandbox is when you can build your own world, your own game, your own missions, and play in them! With am easy to use system, you can browse among the city and place down objects, building your own atmosphere, writing scripts and triggers on what happens in these missions, setting **bleep** traps and playing sounds, animating cut scenes or anything else you want! It's time to really show your story in an animation, in a mini-game, or in a photo! Want people to know your story? All you gotta do is SHARE. Sharing is when you can upload your creations to a variety of creations, like in categories such as Photos, MiniGames, Animations, and more. It's anything you've ever wanted to build, and now everybody can play it and rate it, getting your creations higher, so it can some day become the top creation on the leader boards. It may take practice, thought. Just because I said you make make ANYTHING, doesn't mean you can really make ANYTHING. You get the point.

*** NEW *** Another part of Mischief is the MiniGames and Online Profiles. I know I just mentioned you could build your own, but the game already comes with it's own that actually give you rewards to your own profile! First, Online Profiles are the statistics of your character. Let's say you beat one of the MiniGames, you gain experience (XP) and then your character levels up? That will be mentioned in your online profile for all of your GROUP to see in the Notifications center. This all means there is a small community, where you can make your own Group, name it, give it a few details here and there, and people can request to join it so they can do missions with you. You have the setting so you can manage who joins when they ask, or they automatically join without approval. It may require a certain amount of cash from your player and he/she might need to be a certain level before they build their Group. It comes with a few requirements. The Manager (owner) of the group can edit any details the Elite members make. Elite members in groups are co-managers who can also start Group matches and games and invite the rest of the group along, but the Manager can either stop this match and set up his/her own, or join in and help with the fight! The normal people in the group are Citizens, who play games with the group and cannot edit the group. If somebody wants to join, or somebody already has, or has a complaint, or anything, it comes up in your Notifications tab on your main profile or if you are already in the middle of a battle and you cannot view your profile, a message will come up on the top of your screen saying something like "player2xb45 wants to join your group TheBossPeople". Back to the MiniGames, these are smaller games sort of like the games in CIRCUS. But, these kind of games are more cartoon-themed like the trials in 'Trials Evolution' and don't stop until there is a winner. 1st place gets the most experience, ridiculous stuff, yeah. Also, there will be a money system in online so you can go to the Market and purchase new weapons, gear, accessories, and more.

Also, this is just a side idea I MIGHT use, I still need to think about, is having multiple characters. In Mischief, you can have more than one character to upgrade and level up to master in online modes. You can have up to seven characters, that you can create and detail any way you want. This feature is here because I kinda had a problem how in war games such as Call of Duty, when you die you just come back as the same person. That's not real war. o.O I do realize that Call of Duty is MUCH more realistic, but come on! Really? So, when you die in this game, you'll come back as one of your other characters randomly, so you HAVE to upgrade your characters wisely. When playing as a certain character of yours, their performance is what gives them the prize in the end, so you might want to use them well. Again, I'm not sure if this idea will ever be used. Just a thing I thought was interesting.

In Mischief, it most of the time has a lot to do with cooperation, but in this next mode, you are all by yourself in a world gone to hell in:

CIRCUS is sort of like Mischief, but has it's own Campaign to it. You play as your created character in Mischief, except you do not work with others (most of the time). What Circus is, is all minigames. You wake up in a bloody hospital bed, feeling as if something is missing in your chest, and as you walk down a creepy hospital hallway, you hallucinate, and these evil clowns are making you go through all of these horrible challenges! For each challenge you survive, you survive a round. It's like a competition, almost, as for you to succeed in Circus, you must survive as many rounds as possible without failing. if you fail three rounds, you lose the game, and you go all the way back to Round 1. By surviving as many disturbing rounds as possible, it will be submitted to the leader boards (if you want) and whoever survives the most rounds out of everyone, wins a special prize, or something. Just something for fun to practice your skills in Campaign or Mischief, since every challenge in Circus tests your abilities in-game.

In both Campaign and Mischief, you explore a vast open-world of a city lost in ruins, trapped and begging for help. It's up to you to save the city, or to use it as your own, by exploring and saving citizens, or anything you want. In this game, it's all about getting revenge in the most badass way possible.

(Available on Xbox360, XboxOne, PS3, PS4, and PC.)

I do have some DLC planned out, such as packs to grow your library of items in Sandbox, special campaign modes and minigames, more Circus challenges, and even more items to decorate your character in, to give him more of a personality (if we need to, anyways). Also, if I were to release DLC (if we ever will), I can imagine two big DLC plans... I am going to give you a hint on what they are going to be. The first, an increase in almost everything available in the game. The second, I am going to give you a single word; ALIENS.

What do you think of my idea? Be sure to tell me your feedback in the comments and rate it so it can get more noticed! Share it with friends, if you want! Let's get this noticed and made into a video game!

Message 1 of 2 (399 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Guns of the Immortals, my game idea

Community Manager

@TroyChittock Hi Troy,


Unfortunately we currently only accept ideas for features for our EA sports titles here: http://www.easports.com/gamechangers/ideas


Beyond that, we unfortunately are very rarely able to consider ideas from the outside. There are a couple of good arcticles on the matter:

The exception would be fully developed prototypes from third-parties, as outlined here: https://help.ea.com/ca/article/how-do-i-submit-my-idea-for-a-game


Hope this helps,


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Message 2 of 2 (403 Views)

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Re: Guns of the Immortals, my game idea

Community Manager

@TroyChittock Hi Troy,


Unfortunately we currently only accept ideas for features for our EA sports titles here: http://www.easports.com/gamechangers/ideas


Beyond that, we unfortunately are very rarely able to consider ideas from the outside. There are a couple of good arcticles on the matter:

The exception would be fully developed prototypes from third-parties, as outlined here: https://help.ea.com/ca/article/how-do-i-submit-my-idea-for-a-game


Hope this helps,


Message 2 of 2 (404 Views)