Completing Anomalies/Conjunctions in Freeplay Says "World Event Failed"

by agentcgbspender

Original Post

Completing Anomalies/Conjunctions in Freeplay Says "World Event Failed"

★★★ Guide

Product: Anthem
Platform:Microsoft XBOX One
Please specify your platform model. Microsoft Xbox One S
Please select your region North America
Were you on an Expedition when the issue occurred? Yes
What type of Expedition were you on when the issue occurred? Freeplay
What was the name of the Mission / Contract / Stronghold you were on? Anomaly/Conjunction
What was your chosen difficulty level? Grandmaster 3
What Javelin were you using when the issue occurred? Interceptor
What was your Expedition team makeup? Random Freelancers
Where did this issue occur? Please include menu name or in game location. In freeplay after coming outside of a conjunction when it's finished.
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 26.02.20 01:30 ET
Summarize your bug After successfully completing an anomaly/conjunction in freeplay when you are returned outside of it to the freeplay map the banner always displays "world event failed" but you still get credit for the event in your challenges.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Complete a conjunction in freeplay.
What happens when the bug occurs? Says "world event failed"
What should be happening instead? Should say "world event completed"?

After successfully completing an anomaly/conjunction in freeplay when you are returned outside of it to the freeplay map the banner always displays "world event failed" but you still get credit for the event in your challenges.

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