2014-11-05 01:54 PM
So I have no idea what the problem is. RA2 works just fine, but Yuris revenge, whenever I save or load it takes forever, and now has gotten so bad that the game just never loads.....
Ive tried patching, but I keep getting an error saying the old file could not be found....
Help plox!
September 2015
I have this stupid problem too with Windows 10.
Many people have this issue since Windows 8.x and Win10
- Before when using Windows 7 it was working fine
- Too bad Origin does not support Windows Compatibility mode to run Red Alert in previous Windows 7 mode
- Disabling Origin cloud storage does not work
- Enabling DEP mode for Red Alert does not effect the program
- Whitelisting Red Alert files and it folders in Windows Defender does not work
- Running Origin in Clean-mode is not supported because you require an Internet Connection in order to logon Origin
There is something that triggers the game to freeze when loading during a current Battle.
If found a (very bad) workaround:
Please do the following in order to Load a Save Game:
- Quit the current game back to MAIN MENU
- Click on Campain
- Load Save Game
This should take 3-5 minutes but will load a Save Game.
Or shutdown the game completely and Load a Save Game.
It's either something with Save games files or due to Graphics
September 2015
Did either of you try actually running the game in WinXP Service Pack 3 compatibility mode, as is advised in pretty much every thread on this forum?
September 2015 - last edited September 2015
i had just verified on my machine and it worked with XP mode
I applied XP compatibility mode with the Red Alert 2 shortcut in Start Menu
I get the message "You're currently in windows compatibility mode."
This loads the RA2launcer.exe and starts Origin it would show choice between Yuri and Red Alert2
I had chosen Red Alert 2 and reloaded a Save game.
This still takes a long time to load a save game but your solution works.