C&C:Rivals Critical Feedback

by Hope2SurviveTTV

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C&C:Rivals Critical Feedback

★★★★★ Newbie

————————- 1 ————————

Can someone explain to me, why in the * the developers decided to make it so that if you have a unit selected, by clicking near an allied unit, will deselect your current and switch targeted unit? 


Who in the * thought this would be a good idea. Please hire me, I’ll make EA great again. 


Sometimes it seems like devs don’t play their own games. EA is one of which. 


i cant take this game seriously on a competitive level, when I’m getting shafted by an in-game mechanic.

————————- 2 ————————

The second issue is plate capping:


Trolling players, sit off-site with an army until their opponent almost captures the platforms then over powers the few troops that are there. (Max 3) hops on the plate then instantly wins....?!? What??? EA??? Hello??? You there EA?? Have you seen issues with your games?!? 

Message 1 of 7 (570 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: C&C:Rivals Critical Feedback

★★★★ Guide
also the routes that some units take is * i mean reall troops run through the tib fields why not kill yourself.....its this kind of stuff that needs cleaned up not making the game menu look pretty to throwing ads in out face when we play

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Message 4 of 7 (517 Views)

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Re: C&C:Rivals Critical Feedback

[ Edited ]

I have thought about first problem too. But I don't know how to fix it. I mean, how can the Game know if you want to move currently selected unit or you want select another unit?
Do you have a good suggestion?

As for second issue - I mean, this is legit tactics. You can try to over power the opponent in last moment, but of course, this does not always happen.
I do this way for my self & I found it fun.

Yours sincerely, Mikimuster3
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*P.S. Most enjoyable EA= https://www.ea.com/games/coming-soon
Message 2 of 7 (560 Views)

Re: C&C:Rivals Critical Feedback

★★★ Guide

For 1 - give me some love for my suggestion - here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Game-Information/A-Clear-Selected-Button/m-p/7367429#M3409


In having a clear button - they can alter the touch sensitivity to make sure the CURRENT unit is MORE likely to move.  you know what I mean?   I guess you could have the alternative - 'Lock Unit' but I feel like that's going to cause people more issues then solve them.



Not sure I can help for 2 - TBH - it's an in-game tactic that favors patient players with timing.  Consider being more offensive and scouting your opponent with cheap/fast units so you can see what's happening - harry his harvesters to distract him.  If there are three possible pads - you have one and he has one - he mounts up to take the middle 1 - use a fast unit to move over and land on their pad - then you have 2 yellow and your 1 blue.


You can also mass up units and do the same if you find it effective....

Message 3 of 7 (529 Views)

Re: C&C:Rivals Critical Feedback

★★★★ Guide
also the routes that some units take is * i mean reall troops run through the tib fields why not kill yourself.....its this kind of stuff that needs cleaned up not making the game menu look pretty to throwing ads in out face when we play
Message 4 of 7 (518 Views)

Re: C&C:Rivals Critical Feedback

★★★★★ Newbie



Double tap (unit): Selects Unit


Single Tap (Tile): Moves the unit


Menu Setting: User-adjusted double click rate. (How fast to double tap in order to activate “select unit” function.)

Message 5 of 7 (485 Views)

Re: C&C:Rivals Critical Feedback

★★★★★ Newbie
I appreciate the feedback on my idea, I read your message and agree, however there are counters to the Anti-personnel troops they just aren’t balanced out enough as they should be.

I’m sure this is something you’re aware of and agree on. The damage output (multiplier and all) doesn’t need to be increased to the AP Units. Maybe they need to create a “weak-against” instead of just having “strong against”

- Increase base health pool of all units by 15-25%?

- Decrease the amount of damage received from AP units? (A flame thrower on a tank shouldn’t do *) - unless you wanna give me an animation of the trooper climbing up in the hatch or peep hole and torching down in. 🔥
Message 6 of 7 (469 Views)

Re: C&C:Rivals Critical Feedback

★★★★★ Newbie
I wholeheartedly concur. The movement “decision process” for this Artificial Intelligence, (not so intelligent), need a rework.

- Units will decide to go through Tiberium field taking damage when, you have NO unit health regeneration factor (I’m not saying this game needs one).

Honestly a majority of my issues would be fixed with an implementation of a more efficient unit selection and movement order function.
Message 7 of 7 (468 Views)