Re : from switzerland : how to get Origin in french or english ??

par crinrict

Message original

from switzerland : how to get Origin in french or english ??

★★★ Novice



my only language choice, being in switzerland, is Deutsch or .. Deutsch.   .....

how can i change it to french, or at least in english ???





Message 1 sur 3 (193 visites)

Re : from switzerland : how to get Origin in french or english ??

[ modifié ]

Answered you in the German forum Standard smile


EDIT: See here too:çais/Origine-en-FRANÇAIS-en-SUISSE/td-p/1621755

Good Luck


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Message 2 sur 3 (192 visites)

Re : from switzerland : how to get Origin in french or english ??

★★★ Novice

yes merci !  je vois que je ne suis deeeeeeeeeeeeeeee loin pas le seul............................ et que le problème semble pourtant assez facile..sans vouloir.. oh pis si, en critiquant. ;7

Message 3 sur 3 (180 visites)


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