August 2022
How can origin get away with being so * ? spent hundreds of pounds on games and micro transactions and i can't play any of my games because of a server error ?! Fix up
August 2022
August 2022
August 2022 - last edited August 2022
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August 2022
I can't log in to My The Sims 4 game for 6 days, it keeps throwing origine, I want an urgent solution please!
August 2022
I tried these, run Origin as administrator
Make sure you've set the proper time and date on your system.
Make sure Origin is authorized by your anti-virus and firewall
Clear the Origin Cache data
and these didn't work. curious what's causing these. even tried reinstalling origin and that didn't work
August 2022
August 2022
Since Origin Update to Version - 772351 I have been getting an Internal Server Error message below (also attached screenshot) on My Home when logged into Origin.
issue has persisted after Update to Version - 772443
I have already completed all steps to clear Origin Cache. I reloaded page in Origin numerous times with no change. Also I have uninstalled and the reinstalled Origin. Logged into Origin as Administrator with no change as error still persist.
As this is showing your internal server info and software it creates a security issue. Please get this fixed ASAP.
Internal Server Error
Cannot serve request to /template/my-home/my-home.en-us.usa.directive on this server
ApacheSling/2.6 (jetty/9.4.11.v20180605, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_72, Linux 4.4.0-1128-aws amd64)