Under the Hood: Turning up the Heat

by BenWalke

Original Post

Re: Under the Hood: Turning up the Heat

★★★ Newbie
OMG 😄😱
Message 31 of 272 (2,193 Views)

Re: Under the Hood: Turning up the Heat

★★★ Newbie

I hope to see more modifications to the vehicle, more rims,more modifications to the body of vehicle and engine and add more cars .Make the modifications like The FORZA that make this game best game ever ❤️

Message 32 of 272 (2,191 Views)

Re: Under the Hood: Turning up the Heat

★★★ Newbie

We want back NFS World 

Message 33 of 272 (2,185 Views)

Re: Under the Hood: Turning up the Heat

★★★★★ Newbie

Excelent comment I hope that read it them, but i would like add that in the last year their focus had be cars, customization and good graphics this is ok, but the way to connect with the true fans is to experiment event that would develop in the real life, because make us feel that it could happen to any racing fan in reality. That is the reason because Most Wanted and Carbon we like so. You have to create history that connect with the ordinary people and that agree growth progressive, in such a way that the best cars we can bouy at least to we have a lot money or you win the car of rival. Because that is the way happen in the real life. Also you have to create characters that identify with people in the reality as to Ryan Cooper as The boy racing that lose his car, or The capitan Nathan Cross that want to catch him. That connect with the fans. This is for me and a lot of user that I read on the web THE ADN of NFS.
I hope you that read this. Team NFS

Message 34 of 272 (2,209 Views)

Re: Under the Hood: Turning up the Heat

★★★★★ Newbie

Better lock back and learn from your failures and please bring back the Mazda rx8. nfs mw 2005 was perfect from three cars and underground 1 and 2 more than perfect for tuning so is this is going to be some where between that I'm more than happy. 

Message 35 of 272 (2,158 Views)

Re: Under the Hood: Turning up the Heat

★ Novice

"Will we be doing anything in June? No. It’s as simple as that". What do you mean when you say this. 

Message 36 of 272 (2,147 Views)

Re: Under the Hood: Turning up the Heat

★★ Novice

So, you won't be doing anything in June, fine.  But you didn't state why not.

Message 37 of 272 (2,129 Views)

Re: Under the Hood: Turning up the Heat

★★ Novice
Stop blathering, simply remaster Underground 2. End of story!!
Message 38 of 272 (2,130 Views)

Re: Under the Hood: Turning up the Heat

★★ Novice

All I want is Most Wanted from 2005 remastered/rebuilt/reimagined to the max!

Message 39 of 272 (2,125 Views)

Re: Under the Hood: Turning up the Heat

★★★★ Novice

Oh, Need For Speed! We had such great moments together, but you have let me down countless times as well. 
You know what? Take your time. I'm down for the ride again. Please, make it fast and comfortable, but remember — even the wildest and roughest cars can be a lot of fun to drive. 
Best wishes and good luck for the team, can't wait to see more.

Message 40 of 272 (2,124 Views)