@GUCCIxADIDAS Judging by 458 with the race car kit in 2015,I doubt LB kit will come to Ferraris in H EA T.Ferrari is always disapproval to non-official customs and most of time-cop chases
@GUCCIxADIDAS Eh no i like that Ferrari refuses too have their car tuned, thats what i like with supercars they are coolest when they are stock. Too bad Lamborgini is not following their example, if EA just took my idea we could have a game. Where we could decide if we would play as a ricer or as a supercar racer, then we could choose too race stock or tuned.
@BVBgamer88 Cannonball is dead now,and only way to bring Cannonball back is to let NFS dies first,so Cannonball can revive it someday.But for now,FF ricers take the charge
@GK3512 Yeah i agree on that man, but they had their will since 2003. I think its unfair that they listen so, much too what the Gen Z have too say. Atleast they should have a second studio too make a canonballgame, i feel EA owes us old school NFS fans that.
@BVBgamer88 HP2010 did that,and was blamed for Criterion's B2D(not a problem to me)Rivals did that again but rushed to a buggy unplayable junk.With 2 recent Cannonball games fails,I highly doubt Cannonball will return unless they run out of options
@GK3512 Yeah but i was not happy with HP 10, firstly because it was a open world game. Secondly i dident like that burnout agressivity plus NOS, and more stupid all those weapons. Plus a spikestrip should not damage the car, only the tires and the racerside should not have spikes. And we should have tracks not open world then the game would be better, it should been more like High Stakes 1999.
@BVBgamer88 HP2010 was an open world game with each level been close coursed race.I can accept NOS isnt welcomed in HP(But just like B2D,Criterion traditions)the racers weapon system is indeed too much for a triditional HP,so I agree maybe without weapons and the hidden too deep free roam mode,HP2010 can be closer to back to the root work.But anyway,HP2010 is still the last legit classic cannonball NFS without a crappy story