Re: I lost all my progress in need for speed heat

by Siopet14

Original Post

I lost all my progress in need for speed heat

★★★ Newbie

I opened need for speed heat today and I was presented with accepting the agreement again and selecting the difficulty, after that I found the yellow polestar in place of my avatar and my car and I was level 1 again, I lost all my progress, almost 150 hours of playtime and over 30 millions worth of cars, upgrades and parts EA please do something about it, there is no reason I should have lost my progress when you can clearly tell that I have a lot of time in the game from the playtime and the achievements I have 

Message 1 of 5 (469 Views)

Re: I lost all my progress in need for speed heat

Community Manager
Hey @Siopet14,

What platform do you play on? And did you recently reset/format the platform that you play on?


Wees aardig voor elkaar | Be kind to each other
Message 2 of 5 (446 Views)

Re: I lost all my progress in need for speed heat

★★★ Newbie

I play on Pc windows 10 and no, i didnt do a format or anything, i was playing from time to time and i didnt do anything unusual like deleting the game or unlinking EA and Steam, it just happened when i logged in to play the game


Message 3 of 5 (436 Views)

Re: I lost all my progress in need for speed heat

★★★ Newbie

My teammate had the same issue, and the only way he managed to partially recover was using another system that had an old version of his user data.
Unfortunately, he lost a big part of the progress and had to re do it.

Message 4 of 5 (429 Views)

Re: I lost all my progress in need for speed heat

★★★ Newbie

Can i please get an answer as to why this has happened and if it can be fixed because its been almost a week

Message 5 of 5 (374 Views)