Re: cas.fulleditmode Not working?

by 300022003

Original Post

cas.fulleditmode Not working?

★★★★★ Novice

Since the infant update, cas.fulleditmode isn't working right for me.


I typed in testingcheats true


I typed in cas.fulleditmode


And I shift+click on my Sim.


The options show up, but not all of them. I wanted to get rid of a moodlet my sim has. I click on "Cheat Sim Info..." And all that shows up is lock all motivated decay and add Sim preference. I can even modify in cas and everything, but nothing else is showing up. I currently don't have any mods mods installed because I didn't want to mess anything up with the update but I do have cc like clothes and some build items.

Message 1 of 6 (1,631 Views)

Re: cas.fulleditmode Not working?

★★★ Newbie
@FairClarity I'm experiencing the same problem. No one seems to noticed or they don't care either way I need all of the "shift click" options
Message 2 of 6 (1,607 Views)

Re: cas.fulleditmode Not working?

★★★★★ Novice
@300022003 Exactly, it's missing all the options I actually use a lot. The rest of them I could care less about.
Message 3 of 6 (1,604 Views)

Re: cas.fulleditmode Not working?

@FairClarity You can't get rid of moodlets on a vanilla game, That was probably a mod that you removed.

You should be able to modify in CAS though. What else are you missing ? Could be stuff added by mods.

Could you maybe post a screenshot of the options you have ?

Good Luck


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Message 4 of 6 (1,573 Views)

Re: cas.fulleditmode Not working?

★★★ Newbie
@FairClarity yessss I've been looking for mods that'll probably give me those options. I can't deal with an emotional sim.
Message 5 of 6 (1,543 Views)

Re: cas.fulleditmode Not working?

★★★ Newbie
@FairClarity heyyy so I am a member of the reddit group for sims 4 and someone told me we're having this problem because the mod is down. Hopefully they update the mod soon.
Message 6 of 6 (1,541 Views)

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