bb.moveobjects doesn't quite function

by ypt2m67vjx2y

Original Post


bb.moveobjects doesn't quite function

★★★ Newbie

So I have an issue with the bb.moveobjects cheat, when I press the 9 key it doesn't raise the object and it just sends me flying. It's REALLY annoying trying to raise an object and just flying to another spot. Someone had a problem kinda similar to this but the methods didn't work. I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me out!

Message 1 of 2 (272 Views)

Re: bb.moveobjects doesn't quite function

Hi @ypt2m67vjx2y . Is this happening with *all* objects?

Sul sul!
I don't work for EA, and I don't do private support.
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Have you backed up your Saves? Checked for broken and updated mods/CC?
Message 2 of 2 (240 Views)

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