The secret society from Discover University doesn't give me the pop up to join

by Tarryn_Rich

Original Post

The secret society from Discover University doesn't give me the pop up to join

★ Novice

Pretty much the title here. I have good offerings, got the buffs etc. But when they rock up in capes and all there is no pop up so they just keep getting my sim out of bed and then leaving after a while. 


I have tried all the usual troubleshooting - no mods and repaired game. 

Message 1 of 2 (268 Views)

Re: The secret society from Discover University doesn't give me the pop up to jo

Hi @Tarryn_Rich Does this seem like what you're experiencing? If so, I'll move you over there.

Sul sul!
I don't work for EA, and I don't do private support.
I do receive products from EA as part of the EA Creator Network.
Have you backed up your Saves? Checked for broken and updated mods/CC?
Message 2 of 2 (229 Views)

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