Re: Stuck at loading screen after editing a sim in CAS

by luthienrising

Original Post

Re: Stuck at loading screen after editing a sim in CAS

@jakiahG Go through Broken/Updated Mods & CC to make sure your Mods folder is more current. If you still have the problem after, you might need to do a 50-50 

Sul sul!
I don't work for EA, and I don't do private support.
I do receive products from EA as part of the EA Creator Network.
Have you backed up your Saves? Checked for broken and updated mods/CC?
Message 31 of 33 (288 Views)

Re: Stuck at loading screen after editing a sim in CAS

★★★ Newbie

It’s something in their household. I moved them out the household and onto a different lot and was able to go into CAS but when i moved them back into their old household it didn’t work so i moved them back in again but this time with no furniture and it worked. So it’s definitely a cc furniture i just don’t know what exactly. 

Message 32 of 33 (286 Views)

Re: Stuck at loading screen after editing a sim in CAS

@jakiahG If you do manage to narrow it down to something not listed in Broken/Updated Mods & CC (including under Previously Broken), please let me know.

Sul sul!
I don't work for EA, and I don't do private support.
I do receive products from EA as part of the EA Creator Network.
Have you backed up your Saves? Checked for broken and updated mods/CC?
Message 33 of 33 (264 Views)

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