Re: Recently switched from origin to EA and my builds/furniture cc are not showi

by luthienrising

Original Post

Recently switched from origin to EA and my builds/furniture cc are not showing

★★★ Newbie

hello! I recently switched from playing on origin to EA as I am a macbook user. Most of my CC's have transfered successfully but I've noticed that all my downloaded lots/furnitiure are not showing up in build mode/online gallery. I have double checked my tray folder and all my files are still there, just not showing in game. Any chance anyone has experienced this and can help? 🙏🏻

Message 1 of 2 (255 Views)

Re: Recently switched from origin to EA and my builds/furniture cc are not showi

@Che1sea_02 Nothing about changing launchers affects what shows in your Library (that's your Tray folder contents) or when you're in build mode. The online Gallery does have some issues that aren't related to anything on your computer, so it would be coincidence that you noticed them now; see

Sul sul!
I don't work for EA, and I don't do private support.
I do receive products from EA as part of the EA Creator Network.
Have you backed up your Saves? Checked for broken and updated mods/CC?
Message 2 of 2 (146 Views)

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